SSF Board

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Patrick Odier is the President of Swiss Sustainable Finance, elected in June 2021.

The SSF Board consists of 15 members representing the different member types of SSF. The Board meets at least three times a year and defines the strategy of the organisation. Board members are elected at the General Members’ Assembly for a maximum of three terms of two years each.

SSF Board Members

 Name Organisation and Position
Patrick Odier Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Lombard Odier Group
Dominique Becht Head Investment Team - Stiftung Abendrot
Fiona Frick Board member of Swiss Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) and Managing Partner - Circe Invest
Christine Gugolz Lead Sustainability Strategy, Chief Sustainability Office - UBS
Daniel Gussmann Chief Investment Officer - AXA Switzerland
Dominique Habegger Chief Sustainability Officer - Pury Pictet Turrettini
Christian Hofer Head of Sustainability, Political Affairs and Cooperative - Raiffeisen
Vincent Kaufmann CEO - Ethos Foundation
Alexandra Lau Head Corporate Development & Sustainable Asset Management, Member of the Executive Committee - Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB)
Yvonne Lenoir Gehl Head of Group General Counsel Office - Pictet Group
Marion Leslie Head of Financial Information - SIX
Fabio Pellizzari Head of ESG Strategy and Development - ZKB Asset Management
Mirjam Staub-Bisang Chair and Senior Advisor – Blackrock Switzerland
Giovanni Vergani Board member - Cassa pensioni di Lugano
Maria Teresa Zappia Chief Impact and Blended Finance Officer - BlueOrchard Finance

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