Dominique Habegger
Senior Vice President & Head of Cadmos Fund (De Pury Pictet Turrettini)

Dominique holds a Master degree in Finance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and has 23 years of dedicated sustainable finance expertise. He joined de Pury Pictet Turrettini in 2013 to develop the Cadmos Engagement Funds and pave the way for the next generation of liquid impact investments. Throughout his career that started in 1996 with SAM (RobecoSAM), he has always strived to demonstrate that it is possible to reconcile profitability with responsibility. Lombard Odier hired him in 1998 in order to meet the demand from a large institutional client. With his team of seven, they initiated a pioneer ESG risk rating framework which was first applied to the client’s portfolio. This technique was then used in 1999 to integrate ESG risks to standard financial risk metrics and to win first ESG mandates.
To fill the data gap, Dominique Habegger designed in 2003 together with Asset4’s founding team, the first web-based ESG database and modular rating system. Prestigious clients and investors like Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch onboarded until the financial crisis in 2008. Asset4 was later sold to ThomsonReuters and before joining PPT, Dominique contributed in developing Ethos’s network of pension funds and its Engagement Pool.