

Listed below are interesting podcasts on sustainable finance and discussions around sustainability in general.

date title source
May 2024 Patrick Odier in The Founder Spirit Podcast: Building Bridges and Advancing Sustainable Finance The Founder Spirit
April 2024 Alberto Stival in RSI Podcast: Seidisera RSI
March 2024 Sabine Döbeli in Ethos Podcast: "Ist die grüne Politik meines Unternehmens glaubwürdig?" ethos
February 2024 Patrick Odier in Ethos Podcast: "ESG Criteria and the US Backlash" ethos
February 2022 Sustainable Finance: Inspired by Christiana Figueres – A Podcast on the Effect of Stubborn Optimism - Interview with Sabine Döbeli SIX
February 2022 «Grüner» Finanzplatz der EU - «Bei einem Unfall ist das Schadenspotenzial bei AKW riesig» SRF
January 2021 BKB Podcast #6: Anlegen, aber nachhaltig Basler Kantonalbank
January 2021 Nachhaltige Anlagen performen genauso gut – wenn nicht besser - Interview with Sabine Döbeli Axpo Energy Voices
June 2020 Financing sustainability in the post Covid-19 era - Interview with Sabine Döbeli Guernsey Sustainable Finance Week

Patrick Odier, SSF President is featured in a The Founder Spirit Podcast, where he undescores the role of financial services in transitioning to a sustainable economy. He explains how the private sector can drive positive change, emphasizing mindset shifts, education, transparency, and private capital in promoting sustainability. Furthermore Patrick discusses Building Bridges.

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Alberto Stival, Director Educational Development, Representative Ticino, is featured on an episode of ‘Seidisera’ @RSI (Radiotelevisione svizzera) discussing the ten year anniversary of SSF and the changes that have occurred in the last ten years in sustainable finance. This podcast is in Italian.

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SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli is featured in an ethos podcast about the question: How can investors ensure that companies' climate plans are effective and, above all, credible? She analyses the porous boundary between good faith and greenwashing. This podcast is in German. 

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Interview with Patrick Odier SSF President, is featured in an ethos podcast on ESG considerations in the financial sector and recent opposition in America. The podcast is available in German and in French.

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Interview with Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO about the early days of SSF, current challenges such as green washing, reporting, incomplete product information, and the flood of new regulations. Sabine also explains why the danger of ESG burn-out lurks ahead.

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Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO is featured in an SRF podcast about new EU guidelines on sustsainable investing adopted by the EU Commission. Gas and nuclear energy may be classified as green investments under specific conditions. She explains why this won't significantly impact Swiss investors. This podcast is in German.

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Interview with SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli for Basler Kantonalbank on the topic of sustainable investing. This podcast is in German.

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Interview with SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli for the Energy Voices podcast, hosted by axpo, on the growth of sustainable finance. This podcast is in German.

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Interview with SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli during the Guernsey Sustainable Finance Week on the topic of "Financing sustainability in the post Covid-19 era". 

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