Members and Network Partners Overview

SSF currently has 261 members and network partners. The following list provides a complete overview on all SSF members and network partners.

Download list of all SSF members and network partners (as of 21 March 2025)


SSF is proud to count most of the Swiss sustainable finance pioneers to our network and therewith build on a broad knowledge base. The organisation has members from the following categories: banks, asset managers, service providers (i.e. research providers, consultants), and institutional asset owners (i.e. insurance companies, pension funds, foundations, family offices). SSF Members have preferential access to projects, information and events and can get involved in SSF workgroups and other activities.

Network Partners

SSF has network partners from many different fields, ranging from public sector entities, Universities and Business schools to other associations with activities related to finance, all of them with an interest in promoting sustainability in the finance business. Through the network partners SSF strengthens its role as a central knowledge-sharing platform  and information hub. Regular exchange of information on activities, joint projects (i.e. research projects) and alignments of these activities are the main aims of a network partnership.


See Articles of Association for rights and duties of members and network partners

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