SSF Video Resources
SSF has created a number of videos on topics around sustainable finance. You can jump directly to the respective collection by clicking on the images or link below.
Visist the SSF Youtube channel directly to view recordings of many of our public webinars.

The short introductory video “Why should you consider sustainability criteria in your investments?” produced by Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) is available in four languages and explains the different objectives of sustainable investments, thereby preventing misunderstandings of clients. It gives banks and financial advisors a useful tool at hand to inform their clients about the characteristics of sustainable investment products before discussing client preferences with them. It can be used independent of a banks sustainability approach as it explains mechanisms and objectives in a generic way.
A briefing document gives guidance on how to use the video in client communication and provides concrete suggestions for social media communication. Read briefing here
Read the press release in English, German, French or Italian.

Financing the Low-Carbon Economy short video series: For the launch of its report on financing the low-carbon economy, we prepared a series of short videos that provide insights into different climate-friendly finance instruments.

Video on Sustainable Investing - a unique opportunity for Swiss private wealth management: SSF outlines key arguments for combining Swiss strengths and clients’ demand for investments with a positive social and environmental impact.