SSF is actively collaborating on sustainable finance topics with all major Swiss financial services associations as well as a selected number of foreign organisations. Below a list of our main partners:

Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS)
The Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) is the representative association of the Swiss asset management industry. It aims to strengthen Switzerland’s position as a leading center for asset management. AMAS and SSF have a joint working group on sustainable asset management and have prepared two joint publications on sustainable investment practices.
Eurosif is the leading pan-European sustainable investment association and works as a partnership of Europe-based national Sustainable Investment Forums (SIFs). SSF joined Eurosif as member in May 2021 and contributes to different Eurosif working groups. Eurosif provides SSF members with insight into EU regulatory developments by means of regular webinars.

Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S)
FC4S is a network of financial centers, based in Geneva, with the objective to exchange experience and take common action on shared priorities to accelerate the expansion of green and sustainable finance. Both Zurich (represented by SSF) and Geneva (represented by SFG) are a member of the network.
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG)
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) is a pioneer association dedicated to promoting sustainable finance mainly in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. SSF cooperates with SFG on different topics, namely by supporting SFG as organiser of the Building Bridges Week in Geneva, in its role as founding partner.

Swiss Banking (SBA)
The Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) is the Swiss financial sector’s leading industry association. Its main objective is to create the best possible operating conditions for banks in Switzerland. SSF is a guest member of the SBA Expert Committee on Sustainable Finance and collaborates with SBA on various sustainable finance projects.

Swiss Insurance Association (SIA)
The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) is the industry association of the Swiss private insurance industry. It represents the interests of its members at national and international level. SSF maintains a regular exchange with SIA on various sustainable finance topics and cooperates on specific projects.
Swiss Pension Fund Association (ASIP)
The Swiss Pension Fund Association (ASIP) represents two-thirds of the pension fund assets in Switzerland. SSF maintains a regular exchange with ASIP on various sustainable finance topics and was a member of their workgroups on ESG transparency.

Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
SSF is part of the TNFD Forum, a consultative grouping of institutional supporters who share the vision and mission of the TNFD and contribute to various workstreams within the Taskforce. SSF is also joint coordinator of the Swiss Consultation Group to the TNFD along with the UN Global Compact Network for Switzerland and Liechtenstein.