Swiss Platform for Impact Investing (SPII)

With the support of various stakeholders, SSF has initiatied the establishment of the Swiss Platform for Impact Investing (SPII). The SPII brings together players from the whole value chain of impact investing and serves as the Swiss National partner to GSG Impact, a global network with the objective to increase flows of capital towards ambitious sustainable development agenda.

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Switzerland builds on a strong foundation in sustainable finance, wealth management, and educational excellence with the aim of becoming a leading global hub for impact investing, thereby mobilizing capital and expertise to scale solutions that support the achievement of the SDGs.


The Swiss Platform contributes to strengthening Switzerland as a leading impact hub by fostering supportive frameworks and providing appropriate incentives through its activities. The Swiss Platform connects and supports skilled stakeholders, investors and entrepreneurs in the Swiss impact ecosystem and acts as a national voice while fostering international collaboration with other NPs within the GSG network.

Four Priority areas

The SPII Executive Board and Chair have defined th following four priority areas for the SPII:

  • Priority Area A: Engage the Swiss ecosystem around impact investing
  • Priority Area B: Create clarity and transparency in the Swiss financial market on impact investing
  • Priority Area C: Increase flows of capital toward impact investing
  • Priority Area D: Provide an expert voice for Swiss impact investing


The Swiss Platform for Impact Investing is hosted at SSF with its own independent Executive Board and Chair. The Secretariat is provided by SSF.

Name Organisation and Position

SPII Executive Board Chair:

Rosa Sangiorgio


RSG Impact Investing, Impact Investing Advisor

David Albertani Catalytic Finance Foundation, CEO
Dr. Julia Balandina Jaquier JBJ Consult/Katalyst Impact, Founder & CEO/Founder & Executive Director
Guillaume Bonnel SDG Impact Finance Initiative (SIFI), CEO
Katja Brunner SSF, Director Legal & Regulatory
Dr. Katharina Sommerrock Lightrock, Head of IR and Lightrock Switzerland AG Board Member
Lucy Thomas UBS Asset Management, Head of Sustainable Investing and Impact
Nadia Nikolova Allianz GI, Head of Development Finance & Impact Credit
Christine Sete Programme Manager, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Natalia Soboleva Generali, Head CIO Office (Compliance, Governance, Sustainability)
Safeya Zeitoun Tameo Impact Fund Solutions, CEO
Tommaso Tabet Family Office/Impact Hub Ticino, Head of Philanthropy/Co-Founder
Ingo Weber Apis Partners, Venture Partner

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