SSF present at other events 2023
SSF representatives are regularly taking part in events organised by third parties to present the objectives and activities of SSF and inform on sustainable finance. Select an event in the table below and find out more about the events, in which SSF was involved in 2022.
EIZ: Seminar FinTech 8.0 «FinTech: Daten im Dienste von ESG»
Katja Brunner spoke on the topic of “Sustainable Finance: Was kommt auf die Schweiz zu? “at the annual seminar on FinTech of the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich (EIZ) on 14 November 2023. See the full programme here.
E-foresight Forum: "Sustainable Finance – are we at a tipping point for sustainable finance?"
At this trendscouting event organised by E-foresight, Sabine Döbeli provided insights about key trends in sustainable finance.

15. Fachforum Hypothekar- und Finanzierungsmanagement
In Switzerland, residential and commercial buildings account for around a quarter of the country's carbon emissions.
SSF was pleased to contribute to Hypoforum 2023, organised by the bbz st.gallen ag | Bankenberatungszentrum and the Business Engineering Institute St. Gallen AG. Hendrik Kimmerle held a presentation on the opportunities of sustainability in loans and mortgages in order to decarbonise the building stock and achieve net-zero by 2050.
Schulthess Forum Kreditfinanzierung 2023
SSF was pleased to be a partner of the Schulthess Juristische Medien AG "Forum Kreditfinanzierung 2023" and to discuss sustainable lending with all participants at the Metropol in Zurich.
Webinar Fokus Pensionskasse
With SSF being a knowledge partner for this VPS webinar series, Sabine Döbeli gave a presentation on sustainable investments for pension funds, for the November edition. Watch the recording here.
ZHAW Young Professional Day 2023: Carbon Market
During the Young Professional Day of 24 October 2023 exciting workshops, talks and panel discussion took place. Katja Brunner provided input on Climate Reporting and discussed this important topic with young professionals.

Sabine Döbeli, in her role as a member of the UNCTAD Sustainable Investment Advisory Council, brought in the Swiss perspective in two panels in the International Sustainable Fund Conference and in the International Sustainable Finance Regulation Conference, both of which took place as part of the UNCTAD World Investment Forum (WIF) 2023.
Workshop at Schweizer Stiftungssymposium 2023: ESG-Berichte: unnütze Datenfriedhöfe oder hilfreiche Tools für bessere Transparenz?
This workshop was organised by Dr Lukas von Orelli and Dominik Pfoster, with guest input from Kelly Hess (SSF) to discuss how best to tackle the increasing pressure for transparency in sustainability investments. Swiss Climate Scores, ESG ratings, SDGs - more and more sustainability data is becoming available. This increases the possibilities and also the pressure for more transparency about the sustainability of foundations' investment assets. Which approach makes sense for foundations and how does this fit in with funding activities? What are the benefits of an industry standard? SwissFoundations is working on best practice recommendations and the current status was presented and discussed at this workshop.
NZZ-Live: Wie nachhaltig ist meine Finanzanlage?
Together with experts from a NGO and the banking sector Katja Brunner debated on different standards and rules in Switzerland and the EU, that aim to give investors an overview of whether investments are really green. The discussion took place in the NZZ Foyer in Zurich on 6 September 2023. More information.
“Spotlight Finance Basel»
The "Spotlight Finance Basel" is a new format of the Basel Chamber of Commerce, which is primarily aimed at the banking and insurance industry in the Basel region. It showcases the importance of the financial sector for Basel and at the same time offer the participants a networking platform. Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO, was part of a podium discussion.
International Platform on Sustainable Finance
At a side event to the International Platform on Sustainble Finance (IPSF), Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO, was featured on a panel about nature disclosures. The three panelists discussed the role of nature risks for financial service providers and how new reporting formats could best support the integration of such risks into finance decisions.
Point Zero Forum
The SSF President, Patrick Odier, was part of a panel at the Point Zero Forum "Capitalising on the Future: How Private Capital is Leading the Way to a Low Carbon Economy". To holistically finance the transition to a low carbon future, both public and private capital need to be catalysed and scaled. Technological advancements have opened new opportunities for private capital to drive sustainability outcomes. The panel consisted of experts from finance, technology and sustainability.
EIZ: 20. Züricher Tagung zu Entwicklungen im Finanzmarktrecht
At the annual seminar on developments in financial market law of the Europa Institut of the University of Zurich (EIZ) on 6 June 2023, Katja Brunner spoke about the pressing issue of which approaches can be used to implement ESG aspects in the asset management. View the programme.

Conference FUS EMBA, «Sustainability»
Alberto Stival, Director Educational Development and Representative Ticino, presented at the FUS EMBA Conference.

Climate Reporting Forum
Co-organised by CelciusPro and Pelt8, the Climate Reporting Forum "From Compliance to Competitive Advantage: Leveraging the ordinance on climate disclosures" brought together experts around the topic of climate disclosure. Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO present a keynot on Climate reporting and the transition to a net-zero economy, in which she identifed both the potential of transitioning to net-zero and key challenges.
SPHÈRE Sustainable Solutions Week Geneva 2023
On 12 May 2023, Katja Brunner discussed as a panelist the question how Swiss Banks can meet the challenges of the ecological transition at the SPHÈRE Sustainable Solutions Week that took place in Geneva. View the full programme here.
EIZ: Seminar “Aktuelles zum Kollektivanlagenrecht X»
At the annual seminar on the collective investment scheme law of the Europa Institut of the University of Zurich (EIZ) on 10 May 2023, Katja Brunner gave a presentation on the key issues and current trends of the sustainable finance regulation in the EU and Switzerland. View the programme here.
CFA ESG Conference
Sabine Döbeli, the SSF CEO, was one of the experts featured on a panel called "ESG Investing: Is self-regularion filling the regulatory gap". The discussion was focused around the role of regulation in addressing greenwashing and featured a debate about how such regulation can be defined as effective.

Sustainable Solutions Event
At this year's conference organised by SPHERE in Zürich, the SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli, was one of three experts on a panel about future requirements for ESG investors discussing the role of regulation in addressing greenwashing. View the full programme here.
ECOFACT/ UBS Joint Annual Conference 2023 on Banks & Civil Society and the Policy Outlook Network
At this invite-only conference, that took place on 8 and 9 May 2023, Katja Brunner was part of the panel discussing the question of the evolving nature of sustainability functions