SSF present at other events 2020
SSF representatives are regularly taking part in events organised by third parties to present the objectives and activities of SSF and inform on sustainable finance.
Select an event in the table below and find out more about the events in which SSF was involved in 2020.
Swiss Fintech Day
Online, 17 November 2020
The third edition of the yearly gathering between Italian and Swiss actors in the fintech sector focussed on Sustainable Finance with its actual dynamics, challenges and opportunities. SSF Director PR and Communications Alberto Stival participated in the keynote discussion on Sustainable Finance as a panellist. View the full programme of the event here.
Climate Finance Week
Online, 5 November 2020

On the ESG & Sustainable Finance Skills Day as part of the third Climate Finance Week Ireland, SSF Deputy CEO Jean Laville participated in a panel for the launch of the UN FC4S pan-European Sustainable Finance Skills Gap Report. View the full programme of the event here and the recording of the event here.
FC4S General Meeting
Online, 14, 21 & 28 October 2020

Due to the current situation, the annual Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) General meeting was held virtually over three consecutive weeks. SSF was present at all three meetings. During the final meeting, SSF Director Projects, Kelly Hess, presented the most recent developments in the Zürich financial centre, as SSF officially represents Zürich within this network.
38th Lifefair Forum
Winterthur, 1 October 2020

SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli participated in a panel at the 38th Lifefair Forum to discuss recent developments in sustainable finance with her co-panellists, Dr. Elgin Brunner (WWF Switzerland), Jörg Gasser (SwissBanking), Dr. David Gerber (State Secretariat for International Finance SIF) and Marcel Palicek (Burckhardt Compression AG). Lack of transparency and standards were seen as important barriers for a further uptake of sustainability factors in financial decisions. While some saw the main solution for climate change in new technology, others stressed the importance of taking broader ESG factors into account and making sustainable finance the new normal. Find more information about the Forum here
Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum 2020
Rüschlikon, 29 September 2020

At the Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum 2020, SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli gave a keynote interview, moderated by Philippe Béguelin (Finanz und Wirtschaft), on market developments and regulatory trends in sustainable finance. View the full programme of the event here.
EZS Interactive workshop - Energy and sustainability in real estate Opportunities for institutional investors in a changing environment
Lausanne, 28 September 2020
Jean Laville, SSF Deputy CEO, has contributed to the workshop by describing actual decarbonisation strategies applied by institutional investors to both their movable and real estate assets. More info on the event here.
Seminar of the “Conference of municipal finance directors” (KSFD)
Bern, 18 September 2020
KSFD held an afternoon Seminar on sustainable finance management for city representatives, at which SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli presented the report prepared for KSFD on the same topic. Further presentations covered sustainable procurement, real estate management and a sustainable investment policy for a city pension fund. Find more information about the event here.
IPE ESG 2020 Seminar (Zürich)
Zürich, 17 September 2020
At the IPE Seminars ESG Seminar, SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli provided insights on regulatory developments relevant for institutional investors and illustrated dominant market trends in the Swiss sustainable investment market as well as international trends influencing local players. Have a look at the programme of the event here.
SIX Börsentalk
Zürich/Online 15 September 2020

SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli discussed developments in sustainable and impact investing on a panel at the SIX Börsentalk, together with Dr. Tillmann Lang from SSF member Yova Impact Investing, as well as Michael Haupt (Bank Vontobel) and Claus Hecher (BNP Paribas) and moderator Ruedi Keller (The Market). View a recording of the session here.
GFSI2020 Geneva Forum for Sustainable Investment
Geneva, 3 September 2020
At the Geneva Forum For Sustainable Investment, Jean Laville, SSF Deputy CEO, presented, as first speaker, on Industry trends before, during and after the pandemic. Dominique Habegger, SSF Board member, also moderated a panel dedicated to institutional investors and on their SRI and climate strategy. View the full programme of the event here.
Innovation Forum on sustainable investment
Winterthur 1 September 2020

SSF was a partner for the Innovation Forum on sustainable investments at the Swiss Green Economy Symposium. SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli moderated a panel with private and public sector representatives as well as politicians on how investors can improve the impact of their investments. View the full programme of the event here.
Greenbuzz First Online Event
Online, 25 June 2020

At Greenbuzz’s first online event with chapters in Zurich, Bern, Geneva and Berlin on the topic of 'Post Covid-19 - Our opportunity for a More Sustainable World', SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli presented the results of the 2019 Market study and provided insights into how Covid-19 has influenced sustainable investing. Sabine Döbeli further showed possibilities for sustainable investment to support tackling the crisis and ways forward. Listen to the presentation here.
Podcast: Guernsey Sustainable Finance Week
Online, 10 June 2020

As part of Guernsey Sustainable Finance Week, SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli participated in a podcast to share views on Covid-19’s impact from Switzerland and wider Europe. Listen to the podcast here!
Roundtable Interdisciplinary Climate Research Network
zurich, 28 february 2020
SSF contributed to a roundtable on making finance and investment climate compatible, organized by the interdisciplinary climate research network of University of Zurich and ETH. The panel featured Prof. Stefano Battisto, University of Zurich, Anne Mariel Zimmermann, Swiss Re, Prof. Tobias Schmidt, ETH Zürich, Prof. David Bresch, ETH Zürich and Sabine Döbeli, who provided insights into the role of investors in addressing climate change.
Women in Asset Management - Sustainable Finance
zurich, 30 January 2020

At the inaugural event for the “Women in Asset Management” initative, launched by Alpha FMC Switzerland, four women discussed challenges and opportunities linked to sustainable investing. SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli moderated the panel.
Oerlikon, 22 January 2020

At FINANZ’20, the largest finance fair in Switzerland, SSF Director Projects Kelly Hess spoke at a roundtable on sustainable investments. The topic of sustainable finance was not only covered by this roundtable, but also through a high concentration of speeches, as this chart shows.
View a video summary here
World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020
Davos, 22 January 2020

In January, SSF was at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos for multiple side events related to sustainable finance. Sabine Döbeli joined the Sina Davos Breakfast session on Chinese ESG practices in a global context, presenting the Swiss experience and track record in sustainable finance. Later that day, Sabine was also on the Tech4Good panel held at the House of Switzerland, which was launched by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis. The panelist discussed how partnerships between the Swiss public sector, academia and the private sector – specifically financial players – contribute to making the buildings of the future more energy-efficient.
In Biodiversität investieren/Investir dans la biodiversité
Bern, 17 January 2020

How can public and private finance address biodiversity risks and leverage corresponding opportunities? At the Swiss Academy of Science's conference on investing in biodiversity, Sabine Döbeli explained how the financial system works and what implications can be drawn for biodiversity and nature, showing the opportunities and limits of current approaches in the financial industry. The presentation can be downloaded here and a summary of the event is available here.
SRI/ESG/Cleantech investment – where is the impact?
zurich, 14 January 2020
At an event organised by Euronext and EIT Climate-KIC, Kelly Hess, SSF Director Projects, joined a panel of Swiss players to discuss achieving impact through investments and how we can look to increase it in the years to come. The event also included pitching session by innovative Swiss companies and start-ups, providing concrete examples of already implemented impactful solutions.