WWF Switzerland

WWF Switzerland
Hohlstrasse 110
8010 Zürich


Network Partner

Network partner type

NGO / NGO active in sustainable finance

Contact person

Amandine Favier

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Research in sustainable finance, Training and education in sustainable finance, ESG integration in asset management

General description of organisation

WWF Switzerland is Switzerland’s largest independent conservation organization. The mission of WWF Switzerland is to conserve the world’s biological diversity, to ensure that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and reduce pollution and wasteful consumption.

Reason for membership with SSF

Globally, people are using about 50% more natural resources than the planet can replace and this ‘eco-logical overshoot’ will have severe consequences for both people and nature.
Finance serves every economic sector with major impacts on our environment. It is therefore a key driver which can be used to influence business strategy and supply chains to reduce their threats to the natural world. At the same time it can provide financial mechanisms, which protect and encourage sustainable ecosystems.


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