Timber Finance Initiative

Timber Finance Initiative
Ausstellungsstrasse 36
8005 Zürich


Network Partner

Network partner type

NGO / NGO active in sustainable finance

Contact person

Erik Reichmuth

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Research in sustainable finance, Promotion of sustainable finance, Promotion of sustainability of financial sector

General description of organisation

The Timber Finance Initiative is the Swiss competence center for timber investments. We bridge the gap between investors and the timber industry by promoting the sustainable investment opportunities of the forest and timber industry. We develop new financial products, carbon credits, whitepapers and advisory services and support the establishment of Mass Timber as a carbon dioxide removal technology.

Reason for membership with SSF

We share a purpose with SSF: We endorse the integration of sustainability factors into financial markets. We are currently creating the leading timber investment knowledge hub and becoming the leading experts on timber investments. We are informing investors about the investments opportunities as well as the measurable climate impact of the forest and timber industry.


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