SSF invites Banks/Asset Managers to participate in annual sustainable investment survey

As each year, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) is collecting data for the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study. By providing data, you help the Swiss financial services industry obtain an encompassing overview of the key market developments in this important field.

We kindly invite you to take part in our survey! Thank you for sending us the completed questionnaire by Thursday, 6 March 2025

Download Banks/Asset Managers questionnaire

Supporting documents:

The questionnaire was prepared and updated by the SSF Market Study Focus Group. We took into account feedback received on last year’s survey, and worked on simplifying the key sections of the questionnaire while reflecting the latest developments in Switzerland

We are again collaborating with the Sustainable Finance Research Group, University of Hamburg, and the Advanced Impact Research GmbH. Through this collaboration and the continued work with Professor Timo Busch, the SSF Market Study continues to serve as a cornerstone for the Swiss financial center.

The information you send us will be treated confidentially and aggregated for the publication. No data specific to a respondent is published or disclosed to outside parties without the prior and expressed authorisation of the respondent.

Please submit surveys to the SSF Team (

For questions, please contact Romain Leroy-Castillo (


For Asset Owners (i.e. Pension funds, insurance, foundations) please find documents related to the market study here

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