PostFinance AG

PostFinance AG
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Bern



Member type

Bank / Retail bank

Contact person

Silvio Krauss

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Sustainable funds, Sustainable asset management, Development investment products, ESG integration in asset management, Other services related to sustainable finance

General description of organisation

With 2.4 million customers and customer assets of around 106 billion francs, PostFinance is one of Switzerland’s leading retail financial institutions. In its role as market leader and with more than a billion payment transactions a year, it ensures a seamless flow of liquidity on a daily basis.

Reason for membership with SSF

Corporate Responsibility is firmly anchored in PostFinance’s strategy. The approach is integral – covering environmental, economic and social dimensions. PostFinance takes its responsibility seriously and sees sustainability as an opportunity to become an even more innovative and diversified financial services provider. With its membership, PostFinance makes a contribution to Sustainable Finance in Switzerland.


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