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SSF Newsletter December 2022
Embarking on the journey
Dear Sir or Madam,

2022 has seen major geopolitical changes, record-high energy cost with a resulting surge in inflation and rising poverty, a global food crisis and many new climate-extremes around the world. Against this backdrop the role of sustainable finance is being discussed evermore intensely. Greenwashing was probably the most-used term in media articles during 2022 – does this mean sustainable finance has lost the trust of clients and the broader public all together?

The regulators clearly see the need to make sure product providers don’t overstate the content or the effect of sustainable investments. Much as clearer communication is important, it is also vital to educate clients about the mechanisms and effects of different forms of sustainable investments, thereby contributing to realistic expectations. With our new video for retail clients we hope to contribute to this effort.

Speaking about expectations, it is key to understand the role of finance in the transition to a sustainable world. First and foremost, finance has to give clear signals to clients, companies and policy makers about the importance of accelerating the transition. Furthermore, finance has to reduce risks in line with its fiduciary duty towards clients. This includes that business models leading to stranded assets should no longer be financed. But finance alone cannot force change onto companies against existing market signals and regulatory frameworks. It is only with the combined efforts of regulators, companies of all sectors, consumers and the financial sector that we will manage to credibly embark on the journey to a sustainable future.

I wish you a nice festive season and a relaxing break.


Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli


Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members and network partners

Education News

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New Studies & Reports

SSF activities at a glance
SSF launches an introductory video for retail clients that banks can use in client dialogue

The new introductory video produced by SSF is available in four languages and explains the different objectives of sustainable investments thereby preventing misunderstandings of clients. It can be employed as a tool to inform clients about the characteristics of sustainable investing before discussing their client preferences. Read the press release here.

Webinar on the SSF/EY Practitioners’ Guide

On 25 November, SSF hosted a webinar summarising the findings of the Practitioners’ Guide on sustainability in client advisory and outlining the recommendations. Two practitioners provided insights on the practical implementation of the recommendations. SSF members can find the recording in the members’ section of our website.


> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

EU News

Market News

New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisation as new SSF members and network partners:  

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 228, can be found here.

Education News

For more information on current educational programmes focusing on sustainability and finance, visit the SSF landing page on Evrlearn.

Upcoming Events
  • 10 January 2023, Online, SSF/WWF Webinar: Science-based Targets initiative, for SSF members only
  • Save the Date: 22 June 2023: SSF Annual Conference and Members’ Assembly, Bern

Save the dates for the following upcoming SSF and partner events

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.

New studies & reports
Aiming Higher: progress Report PACTA Climate Test Switzerland

To monitor the progress of the entire financial markets’ climate goal alignment, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) in close collaboration with the State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) runs regular PACTA climate tests. The 2022 Swiss Climate Test consists of a quantitative module for global equity and corporate bond investments and one for Swiss real estate and mortgages. It also includes a qualitative survey to give a more holistic overview of climate action being taken by the Swiss financial sector.

More >

Kind Regards,

The SSF Team


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