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SSF highlights from Building Bridges 2022
Dear Sir or Madam,

Last week, the third edition of the Building Bridges (BB) Summit and Week offered the great opportunity to learn about latest initiatives and developments in sustainable finance and meet leaders and experts that aim to make finance part of the solution to achieve global sustainability goals. Over 2000 people gathered in Geneva to launch new projects, discuss solutions and strengthen their network. This year the BB week hosted over 65 great events, four of which were organised or co-organised by SSF.

We are particularly excited to have published the Swiss Climate Scores Template jointly with the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) and launched the Swiss Consultation Group for the TNFD together with the Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein (GCNSL). Furthermore, the Swiss Impact Finance Initiative (launched last year during BB), announced the finalists of its first call for proposals for design funding for new impact funds at an event jointly organised with SSF. As one of the founding members of Building Bridges, we were delighted to see the many other great sessions held and new initiatives launched during the rich week, which all proof of an innovative and vibrant sustainable finance community in Switzerland. Read a summary of the key-take aways below.

Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli, CEO SSF


Opening of week with reflective note

Patrick Odier, President of Building Bridges and SSF, opened the Building Bridges Summit on 3 October with the plea to financial players to redefine the concept of fiduciary duty. In his view, risk evaluation on behalf of clients should not only include climate and biodiversity risks but also include the notion of long term impact. He also stressed the need for investors to tighten the definition of what a sustainable company is and what it is not. He acknowledged that much was underway, but said the speed of action had to be increased.

Innovative Blended Finance Solutions for Impact: SIFI one year later on

This session on blended finance solutions jointly organized by SECO and SSF consisted of two parts: first, a panel, which shared blended finance insights such as key aspects around how to attract “patient finance”, challenges around project affordability and acceptable returns as well as promoting adequate reporting by investees and second a session reflecting on the results of the SDG Impact Finance Initiative (SIFI) ten months after its launch. 

Read more here and see the seven shortlisted participants for the first SIFI funding window.


Sustainable Investing 4.0: Big Data and AI for Maximum Impact

The "novel data solution" series from ZHAW and SSF continued, focusing on sustainability data and impact. This session illustrated the practical relevance and applicability of different innovative research projects currently underway. With the help of machine learning the project Tech4SDG focuses on SMEs in emerging markets covered by PE funds and identifies its sustainable impact. Other highlighted projects relate to the topics of the sensibility of stock prices to ESG controversies, sustainability innovation and the detection of inconsistencies in companies’ financial and non-financial communication by using natural language processing. 

Read more here.


Disclosing Climate alignment: from International Sustainability Standards to the Swiss Climate Scores

At this session, a collaboration between Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) and SSF, international sustainability standards and the way in which they translate into Swiss initiatives were highlighted and the Swiss Climate Scores Template was revealed.

Find more details on the event here and view the template for the Swiss Climate Scores here.


TNFD as a Solution to Address Biodiversity Risks and Dependencies

SSF together with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) presented the current status of the TNFD framework and provided practical insights of member signatory companies. After highlighting the drivers of nature-related risks, the speakers emphasised the demand from clients, regulators and other stakeholders to provide more information of nature-related business impact. Especially for two reasons, TNFD differentiates itself from TCFD: First, by not only covering disclosure but providing concrete recommendations. Second, by the fact that the standard is developed in an iterative process. In addition to a panel discussion, SSF and the Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein (GCNSL) announced the creation of the Swiss Consultation Group for TNFD.

Read more here.


SFI/SSF Sustainable Finance Conference: How Finance Enables Positive Change

As part of the Building Bridges Community, the joint event of the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) and SSF that took place in Zurich discussed topics on governance and regulation as also sustainable investing and financing. The speakers critically reflected on sustainable companies in crisis scenarios against the backdrop of recent political and economic developments. Furthermore, the event shed light on sustainable investing on a global and Swiss level and illustrated corporate initiatives towards sustainability including considerations of HR management. Concluded by a high-level panel, the various topics discussed throughout the afternoon provided ground for future discussions on positively influencing the economy. 

Get more infos here.


Thanks to everyone for making it such a great week!

Kind regards,

the SSF Team

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