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SSF Newsletter October 2021
Boosting sustainable finance education
Dear Sir or Madam,

Last year, in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), SSF published a report with an analysis and recommendations for more sustainability within financial education and training in Switzerland. The report revealed that the integration of sustainability into education and training was still in its early stages. Following this study, the SSF Sustainable Finance Education Workgroup gained renewed momentum and is now actively implementing a number of the identified measures to foster a better integration of sustainable finance into financial education and training in Switzerland.

A prominent result is the first “Annual Forum for Sustainable Finance Education”, taking place in both Geneva and Zurich and aiming to unite professionals working within the field of sustainable finance education. In addition, SSF is working on an additional e-learning module on the topic of “Climate Change”. 

We are convinced that these and other education measures will help create the required know-how to make sustainability an integral part of financial services.


Kind regards,
Alberto Stival
Representative Ticino and Director Educational Development (SSF) 

Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members and network partners

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
SSF Annual Forum for Sustainable Finance Education 5 November (Geneva) and 12 November (Zurich)

At these two events aimed at professionals working within the field of sustainable finance education, we will, amongst others, share concrete examples of sustainable finance programs and provide insights into the UK experience. The event is free of charge and is taking place in Geneva (French) and in Zurich (German). 

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Novel Data Approaches – Solutions for Future ESG Research?

On the 6 October, the first in a series of networking events hosted by ZHAW and SSF took place. Speakers presented cutting edge applications for new approaches in ESG research such as natural language processing, spatial solutions and life cycle assessment. A high level summary of the event can be found here. The next event of this series will take place on 30 November in Geneva, as part of Building Bridges Week 2021.

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SSF hosting three events at Building Bridges Week, 30 November to 2 December

Swiss Sustainable Finance is hosting one key conference “Scaling Private Investments for Impact Success Factors for Private-Public Collaboration” (1 December). Furthermore, SSF is co-hosting two events on “Novel ESG Data Solutions” (with ZHAW, 30 November) and “Shedding Light on the ESG Jungle” (with AMAS, 1 December). 

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SSF as contributor to “Sustainability in the Ticino Banking Sector”

Alberto Stival, SSF Ticino representative and Director Educational Development, contributed to the publication “La sostenibilità nel settore bancario ticinese”, which chronicles developments and best practice within the banking sector in Ticino.

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> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

International news

  • The EU Commission published a proposal to revise the prudential framework of Solvency II, which suggestions include insurers being required to identify any material exposure to climate change risks and assess the impact of long-term climate change scenarios.
  • The European Court of Auditors (ECA) published a report detailing the adherence of European institutions and financial instruments to sustainable finance principles when disbursing European funds.
  • A group of more than 100 institutions, including several SSF members, has formed the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum, which aims to be a supportive body to the TNFD working groups and contains members who want to “support a shift in financial flows towards a nature-positive outcome”.

Market trends

  • The Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (SVVK-ASIR) progresses in dialogue with international steel and cement industries. Their “Climate Engagement” report highlights the progress made so far, problem areas and explains the next steps.
  • In a call, coordinated by CDP along with hundreds of financial institutions, including several SSF members, totalling nearly $30 trn AUM have joined to ask big emitters to adopt science-based climate targets. The aim is for companies to develop net-zero goals ahead of the COP26.
New members and network partners

We are very happy to welcome the following new organisations to our network:

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 189, can be found on the SSF website.

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SSF events:

Other sustainable finance events:

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

> Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

New studies & reports
Sustainability in the Ticino Banking Sector

The Swiss financial sector is in a period of transition towards more sustainable practices, in which banks can be pivotal contributors. Within this study, the Ticino Banking Association chronicles these developments and evaluates sustainable finance initiatives being undertaken in order to encourage sector specific action and demonstrate best practice within the Ticino financial market. SSF acted as partner for this study, which is only available in Italian.

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Health: An Untapped Asset – How Investors can strengthen returns by improving health outcomes

In this report by ShareAction, the often ignored ESG aspect of health is examined through the lens of it being a systemic risk that investors cannot simply diversify away from. Investors driving positive health outcomes are examined alongside existing barriers and future opportunities.

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The Net in Net-Zero: The Role of Negative Emissions in Achieving Climate Alignment for Asset Owners

This Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance position paper presents the basis for scaling carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions, including a mix of land-based carbon sinks, nature-based solutions and technological carbon removal approaches, which are essential for alignment to a 1.5°C pathway.

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> Find these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance


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