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SSF Newsletter December 2024
Impactful Finance
Dear Sir or Madam,

For slow gradual changes it’s sometimes hard to discern if anything is moving at all. With the final statements of the Biodiversity COP 15 and the Climate COP 29 leaving many of us disappointed, those working to bring about sustainable change can get the feeling of no progress whatsoever. Now that the 10th year of SSF is coming to an end, I take the opportunity to look back at the past 10 years to gain an overview of longterm trends.

In the 2014 market study, sustainable investment volumes in Switzerland totalled to CHF 56.1 billion, 10 years later respective investments amounted to CHF 1660 billion – about 30 times more. While in 2014 it was less than 1% of Swiss pension funds having anchored sustainability principles in their investment regulations, this share lies now at 39%. It was only in 2014 when SIX listed the first green bond in Switzerland by the European Investment Bank. Today, SIX has 149 sustainable bonds listed in four categories, including one of the Swiss Government launched in 2022. Although none of these facts stand for an immediate positive impact, it is clear that sustainable finance has become mainstream over the past 10 years and therewith a lever for change.

The latest climate statistics make us aware that this lever is needed more than ever. Being in discussions with so many finance experts working on impactful initiatives during the Building Bridges Action Days 2024, last week, nevertheless leaves me hopeful that the gradual change we saw over the past 10 years is defying the recent headwinds and contributing to positive developments. By establishing the Swiss Platform for Impact Investing, SSF hopes to accelerate the growth of impactful finance.

I wish you a cheerful holiday season and look forward to continuing to make finance a true lever for change with all of you.


Kind regards

Sabine Döbeli


Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New SFF members and network partners

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
Insights from 10 SSF Companions: Patrick Odier

Over the course of the year, we are publishing 10 interviews with key SSF companions that helped make SSF what it is today. Read the tenth and final interview in the series, an interview with Patrick Odier, SSF President, Chairman of Building Bridges and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lombard Odier Group.

Launch of the Swiss Platform for Impact Investing

On 12 December, at a joint event with SFG, SIFI and Tameo held at Building Bridges, SSF launched the Swiss Platform for Impact Investing. The new platform brings together players from the whole value chain of impact investing and serves as the Swiss National Partner to GSG Impact, a global network with the objective to increase flows of capital towards the ambitious sustainable development agenda. More information here.

Credible Transition Event with GCNSL

Together with the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein, SSF hosted an event on 11 December at Building Bridges discussing transition plans and the elements needed to make them credible. The joint event allowed for a conversation between the financial sector and the real economy. Read more about the event.

Other SSF Activities at Building Bridges

In addition to hosting the two events, the SSF-team was involved in several other events at Building Bridges. Visit our Past Events webpage for information about our participation in the CFA event on pension funds, the Unicef event on child rights, the solution stage on sustainable finance education programs and the Cleantech 21 event on a climate incentive.

Sabine Döbeli in the city of Zurich magazine "Stadt der Zukunft"

SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli is portrayed in the magazine from the department of city development of the city of Zurich, which covers different topics and personalities that will shape Zurich's future within the next 20 years. 


> Visit our website for more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

Market News

  • AMAS has published an engagement letter calling on Swiss companies to adopt strong corporate governance and sustainability practices to align with international standards and contribute to a climate neutral economy.
  • In an analysis of 70 countries, ASCOR, an investor-led project focusing on sovereign climate progress, found that no country has a 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target ambitious enough to align with their national 1.5°C goal and only 16% of countries have transparent and credible commitments.
  • A new methodology for assembling net-zero aligned portfolios was published by the CFA Institute. The methodology is based on emission data, including direct and indirect emissions, to select investments that align with a dynamic carbon budget which decreases over time according to science-based decarbonization pathways.
  • According to a paper by the European Banking Authority, the corporate loan portfolios of large EU banks currently imply an average temperature rise of between 3.7°C and 4.1°C and are thus incompatible with the agreed target of the Paris Agreement.
  • In a press release, the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative has announced that, under the guidance of its Impact Investing Advisory Board, it has been appointed Luxembourg’s National Partner of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment.
  • PCAF published the new methodologies for financed and insurance-related issues. The public consultation will run until 28 February 2025, after which the various working groups will assess the feedback and make possible adjustments to the methodologies. Further information can be found on the PCAF website.
New SSF members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisation as a new SSF member:

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 263, can be found here

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.

New studies & reports
The Size of Impact

In 2022, the European Impact Investing Consortium partnered with academic institutions to harmonize and assess Europe’s impact investing market. The goal was to shed light on the market's dynamics, trends, and practices. This newly published report is designed to provide investors, policymakers, and market leaders with valuable insights to make informed decisions, align strategies with global challenges, and unlock opportunities for collaboration.

More >
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights - Swiss National Action Plan

The Swiss National Action Plan clarifies the position and expectations of the Federal Council with regard to business enterprises and aims to improve the protection of human rights in the context of economic activities. It aims to communicate the Federal Council’s expectations of businesses, raise businesses’ awareness of human rights due diligence, strengthen collaboration between businesses and the State, and improve coherence of State activities.

More >
IFZ Sustainable Lending Monitor 2025

This study by HSLU analyses the Swiss market for sustainable financing products. This year, the focus was also placed on the calculation of financed emissions in the loan portfolio and on SME sustainability assessment tools. The results are based on publicly available data and a survey of tool providers.

More >

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Kind Regards

The SSF Team


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