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SSF Newsletter June 2024
Vibrant Community
Dear Sir or Madam,

Last week was a big moment for SSF: the 10-year anniversary celebration took place in Bern. The conference not only illustrated how the integration of sustainability into mainstream finance has progressed over the past 10 years, but also provided a glimpse of the vibrant, strong and growing sustainable finance community in Switzerland. SSF is proud to build on the support of its growing members base in continuing its work to make sustainability factors an established element of all financial services. The opening key-note from Mary Robinson, an urgent and awe-some wake up call stressing the urgency of a fast and just transition into a low-carbon world, fostered the conviction that the work towards a truly sustainable financial centre has not lost any importance.

The launch of the 2024 Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study demonstrates that the road towards this goal is not always downhill. Although growth is back, renewed discussions around greenwashing resulted in sustainability-related investments falling behind overall market growth. Given that this is largely attributable to more considerate reporting and tighter definitions, this can be seen as a positive development, notably a development that will be fuelled further by the announcement of the Swiss Federal Council on greenwashing. The Swiss government has decided against state regulation given that the revised self regulations of the finance associations are considered to reflect the Federal Council’s position on what deserves the term “sustainable investment". One key objective – namely the contribution to a defined sustainability goal – should be put centre stage going forward, if we wish to put finance at the core of the transition. SSF looks forward into its second decade to continue accelerating the Swiss financial centre related action.


Kind regards

Sabine Döbeli


Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

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SSF activities at a glance
SSF Annual Conference 2024 and 10-Year Anniversary

Around 300 people joined us in Bern for the SSF Annual Conference 2024 and 10-Year Anniversary. Read a summary of the event that included an opening Keynote from Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, Chair of The Elders & former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and several excellent panel discussions with key players in Switzerland.

SSF Welcomes 5 New Board Members

At the Members' Assembly 2024 on 20 June in Bern, five new highly prominent members were elected to the SSF Board. View their profiles here.  We welcome each and everyone of them and are happy to build on their expertise going forward! Read the press release here.

Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2024 Published

The 2024 edition of the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study was published at the start of the month. Read the report and view a recording of the launch webinar.

SSF publishes 10-Year Anniversary Video!

As part of our 10-Year Anniversary celebration, we published a video featuring some of our founding members with statements on key topics for the next 10 years. Watch the video on the SSF Youtube channel!

SSF Statement on Federal Council’s Stance on Preventing Greenwashing

The Federal Council took note of the progress made by the financial sector in preventing greenwashing and the three main financial association’s new self-regulation measures against greenwashing. Read SSF’s statement in response.

Insights from 10 SSF Companions: Falko Paetzold

Over the course of the year, we are publishing 10 interviews with key SSF companions that helped make SSF what it is today. Read the fourth in the series, an Interview with Falko Paetzold, Initiator and Managing Director of the Centre for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) at the University of Zurich.

SSF/AMAS Joint Webinar: Swiss Climate Scores Template 2.0

Together with a joint workgroup of industry experts, SSF and the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) have updated the Swiss Climate Scores template in accordance with the updates from the Federal Council in December 2023. View a summary and a recording of the joint webinar.


> Visit our website for more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

European News

International News

Market News

New SSF members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations as new SSF members: 

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 256, can be found here.  

Upcoming events
SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.

New studies & reports
Vorlage für den Klimabericht: Wie bringe ich meine Minergie-Gebäude in den Klimabericht?

As of the 1 January 2024, large Swiss companies must report on their climate risks and business impacts and submit a transition plan to reach net-zero goals by 2050. In this Minergie report, guidance is given for incorporating sustainable buildings, both mortgages and real estate investments which are part of financial portfolios, into these climate reports. The report also includes sample reports that illustrate how best to incorporate this information into reports.

More >
Study: Implications of ESMA's New Guidelines on Fund Names

This report from Clarity AI looks at the implications of ESMA’s new rule restricting the use of ESG and sustainability-related terms in the funds’ names, which suggest that over 44% of funds may need to adjust their name.

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Schweizer Pensionskassenstudie 2024

The Swisscanto by ZKB (Zürcher Kantonalbank) report on Swiss Pension funds is published in its 2024 edition. The second pillar is stable just before the vote on the BVG reform. The 24th edition of the Swiss Pension Fund Study confirms: the long-term reduction in occupational pension benefits has been halted. After a good year on the stock market in 2023, the financial situation of the pension funds is solid, and for the first time, benefit improvements are in sight again. According to the study, 39% of all respondents have anchored ESG criteria in their investment policy, a plus of 2 percentage points compared to the previous year.

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Trillions or billions? Reassessing the potential for European institutional investment in emerging markets and developing economies

This working paper examines the potential of European institutional investors to meet emerging markets and developing economy (EMDE) investment needs, focusing on the largest insurance companies and pension funds (ICPFs) in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, which collectively manage $17.56 trillion in assets. It assesses the mobilisation potential across changes in stakeholder expectations, financial market conditions, and legal and regulatory frameworks.

More >

Kind Regards,

The SSF Team


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