SSF Newsletter May 2024
New Space
Dear Sir or Madam,
Loans are as old as banks and are a decisive factor in the functioning of the economy. While the investment market has been analysed from a sustainability point of view for decades, we are entering new space with the first market analysis on the role of sustainability in lending. By integrating ESG factors into the lending process, sustainable lending products can become a key factor in the transition to a more sustainable economy. In the first Swiss Sustainable Lending Market Study, we find that Swiss banks offer transformative instruments such as sustainable mortgages for new buildings and energy-efficient renovations, as well as sustainability-linked loans in the corporate segment.
As illustrated by the study, the share of sustainable lending instruments is still relatively low. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the instruments and increase transparency. In future, sustainable lending practices are expected to become a mainstream tool in the loan market.
In addition to sustainable and traditional lending instruments, financing sustainability solutions can also be achieved through blended finance, as highlighted in a report covered in this newsletter. Furthermore, you will also find the latest regulatory news from Switzerland, the EU and other international jurisdictions.
Kind regards
Hendrik Kimmerle
Senior Project Manager
SSF activities at a glance
SSF Annual Conference 2024 and 10-Year Anniversary
Join us on 20 June 2024 in the Kursaal in Bern for the SSF Annual Conference and 10-Year Anniversary. We will be looking at key developments relevant for the next 10 years in an exciting program, which we revealed this month. View the programme and register here.
Insights from 10 SSF Companions: Adrian Schatzmann
SSF Annual Report 2023
The SSF Annual Report 2023 is now available. Read it in the interactive online format to gain an overview of our activities and priorities from the past year.
SSF Sustainable Lending Market Study
The first edition of the SSF Sustainable Lending Market Study was published last week. This new market study provides insights into the integration of ESG factors in the lending markets and applied sustainability indicators. Read the report here.
SSF Sustainable Lending Market Study Launch Event
Over 70 participants joined us on 15 May 2024 for the launch event of the Swiss Sustainable Lending Market Study in Zurich! A similar launch event was held in Geneva on 21 May. Read the event summary here.
SSF Statement on the Climate Protection Ordinance (KlV)
SSF submitted a statement to the BAFU (Bundesamt für Umwelt) on the Climate Protection Ordinance (KlV). Read it here.
Regulatory and market news
Swiss News
European News
International News
- 30 May 2024, Sphere: Sustainable Solutions (Sustainable Solutions Week Zurich 2024 - Sphere), Zurich
- 31 May 2024, Sphere: Sustainable Solutions (Sustainable Solutions Week Geneva 2024 - Sphere), Geneva
- 4 June 2024, Geneva Sustainable Investment Insights, Geneva
- 6 June 2024, SSF: Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study Launch Webinar, online
- 20 June 2024, SSF Annual Conference 2024 and 10 Year Anniversary: The Next 10 Years, Bern
Further events are listed on the SSF website.
SSF and sustainable finance in the media
- 16 May 2024, Schweizer Banken beachten ESG im Kerngeschäft, Tagesspiegel Background
- 16 May 2024, SSF veröffentlicht Marktstudie zu nachhaltiger Kreditfinanzierung, firmen.wiki
- 15 May 2024, Le crédit bancaire, modérément vert en Suisse, Le Temps
- 6 May 2024, Bridging the Trust Gap with Carbon Offset Certification, CarbonWire
- May 2024, The Ethos Foundation Podcast series on sustainable finance and socially responsible investment is complete and ready to listen to
Visit our website for more articles.
Climate Finance: Mobilisierung privater Mittel über gemischte Finanzierungsstrukturen (Blended Finance)
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) estimates that USD 3.2 trillion is needed annually to stop global warming. Private investments are crucial to fill this gap, but they often lack profitability, particularly in developing countries. Blended finance has the potential to leverage public capital and attract private investments, but it must become more scalable. This discussion paper published by the Swiss Banking Association does not provide a detailed examination of individual products or specific regulatory proposals. Instead, it highlights the necessity for private capital, the potential of mixed financing structures, and existing obstacles.
More >
Putting resources where stewardship ambitions are: Structured measurement to empower asset owner-asset manager conversations
This report was commissioned as part of the PRI's Active Ownership 2.0 programme, and aims to promote industry discussions on stewardship resourcing issues and how to address them. Based on a survey of global stewardship resourcing with over 69 organisations managing a total of $16 trillion AUM, this report goes on to present a Stewardship Resources Assessment Framework to assist asset owners and asset managers in their collaboration and provide reference points.
More >
Kind Regards,
The SSF Team
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