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SSF Newsletter December 2023
New Horizons
Dear Sir or Madam,

Yesterday, COP28 came to an end. Not with the clear commitment to a phase-out of fossil fuels we were hoping for, but at least with a compromise stating the aim of “transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner,…”. Much as the objective is not precise and measurable enough, many agree that it marks the beginning of a fossil-free world.

With Jean Laville, an SSF team member from the first hour is leaving us. We will miss his long-year experience and in-depth knowledge in sustainable finance, his critical mind and his great team spirit. Read the short interview with him about his key take-aways from his time at SSF.

Given the strong dynamics in sustainable finance, all of you reading this newsletter have probably had a very busy year. We wish you a wonderful holiday season with joyful moments and some quiet days to gather new energy for the year to come.


Kind regards

Sabine Döbeli


Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New SSF members and network partners

Join these events

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New studies & reports

SSF activities at a glance
New publication: SSF Spotlight on Derivatives

This SSF Spotlight provides concrete guidance on aligning derivative usage with sustainability objectives and enhancing transparency in sustainable investing. Read the Spotlight here.

Insights on Sustainable Real Estate Investments

At this SSF webinar held on 4 December, Laura Archer-Svoboda, Research Associate at the ZHAW School of Management and Law and Hendrik Kimmerle, Senior Project Manager at SSF outlined the recent SSF publication on sustainable real estate. Additionally, presentations were given by industry expert Alexandros Gratsias, CFA, Head Sustainable Real Estate Investments at Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG and Prof. Eric Jondeau, Professor of Finance at the University of Lausanne.

SSF Asset Owner Workshop: Applying the ASIP ESG Reporting Standard

This workshop on 11 December brought together 30 Swiss institutional asset owners to share experiences around implementing the recommendations of the ASIP ESG Reporting Standard published in December 2022. SSF Members can access the presentations in the members’ section and a summary can be read here.

Jean Laville, SSF Deputy CEO leaving SSF

Jean Laville, SSF Deputy CEO since 2014, retired from SSF in November. Jean has shaped the development of SSF from the very beginning and the team would like to thank him for his work and contribution. Read his view on key developments in a short interview here.

Open SSF Position – Senior Project Manager (80-90%)

SSF is seeking a dynamic senior project manager with a strong background in sustainable finance and in communication to support the organisation in promoting sustainability in the Swiss financial centre. We look forward to receiving applications from interested experts.


> Visit our website for more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

International News

Market News

New SSF members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations as new SSF members:

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 246, can be found here.

Upcoming events
  • 30 January 2024, 10.00-11.00h, SSF Webinar: The Role of Derivatives in Sustainable Investing
  • 13 February, 11.00-12.00h, SSF/GCNSL Webinar: TNFD Guidance
  • 21 March 2024, Lugano: Carbon Markets and their role for the transition (more information on this half-day event will be available shortly)
  • Save the date: 20 June 2024, 10th Anniversary SSF Annual Conference

Further events are listed on the SSF website.

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.

New studies & reports
Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners

This beta version of the guidance document “Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners”, developed with the members of the Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation, aims to create a shared understanding and common language for investors. The scope for the moment is listed equity and corporate bonds and proposes four types of nature targets; initiation targets, sectoral targets, engagement targets and portfolio coverage targets.

More >
Time to Plan for a Future Beyond 1.5 Degrees

This short pamphlet by NatureFinance poses the question of whether current systems are equipped to limit warming to 1.5 degrees and what will happen if this is not achieved. It outlines three systemic features that must be considered in any successful transition to a 1.5 Degree world –refugees, food security and finance.

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Facilitated Emissions

The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) is an industry-led initiative that helps financial institutions assess and disclose their indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to their financial activities. This document is the first version of the Facilitated Emissions Standard. It provides detailed methodological guidance for the measurement and disclosure of GHG emissions associated with capital market transactions.

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Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB): Guidance for banks PRB Nature Target Setting

This new publication from PRB gives guidance for banks on Nature Target Setting, particularly when it comes to lending activities, on or off balance sheet investing activities and capital market activities.

More >

Kind Regards,

The SSF Team


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