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SSF Newsletter October 2023
More Talk, More Action
Dear Sir or Madam,

The phrase  “less talk, more action” is probably part of the introductory remarks for almost every larger event covering sustainability issues. Patrick Odier called for action when opening the Building Bridges Summit in early October and Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary General of UNCTAD, also encouraged accelerated action on a global level when opening the World Investment Forum last week in Abu Dhabi.

No one doubts that we need to see much more decisive action in addressing climate change and many other prevalent challenges. Yet “talk” – engaged dialogue – forms the basis for effective action. Meeting people face to face in a time of growing polarisation helps to create trust, find a common language and build alliances that can lead to effective action. The Building Bridges Action Days in Geneva provided the venue for the announcement of numerous new initiatives addressing burning social and environmental issues. And in Abu Dhabi, investors from around the world met with representatives of the Global South looking to build partnerships for a sustainable economic development. Talking with each other is a key prerequisite to achieve this target.

SSF is particularly proud to have published the Swiss Stewardship Code jointly with the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) during Building Bridges at a packed event. The objective of this guidance is nothing more than encouraging investors to talk more with their investee companies and make clear, what their expectations regarding sustainable business behaviour are. In short: More talk, more action!


Kind regards

Sabine Döbeli

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SSF activities at a glance

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

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SSF activities at a glance
Launch of the Swiss Stewardship Code!

SSF and the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) jointly launched the Swiss Stewardship Code which provides asset managers, asset owners and financial service providers with guidance to encourage the active exercising of shareholder rights by investors in Switzerland. Read the full Swiss Stewardship Code here.

SSF at Building Bridges

2023 marked the fourth edition of the Building Bridges (BB) Summit and Action Days, which brings together players from the financial industry, international organisations, NGOs, the real economy and academia. This years' edition resulted in a record turnout of around 2600 participants that debated in many interactive events on how to create more financial flows for the SDGs. SSF was involved in four events. Read about them here.

TCFD Webinar

On 10 October, SSF held a webinar on the recently published guidance for TCFD Disclosure in the Swiss context, in which we outlined how climate reporting can be implemented effectively to allow forward-looking strategic decision making. After an introduction to the guide, Sébastian Soleille, Global Head of Energy Transition and Environment at BNP Paribas shared practical insights. Read more.

Investments for development

At the latest UNCTAD World Investment Forum, global finance leaders met in Abu Dhabi last week to devise solutions for global investment and development challenges. Sabine Döbeli, in her role as a member of the UNCTAD Sustainable Investment Advisory Council, brought in the Swiss perspective in two panels in the International Sustainable Fund Conference and in the International Sustainable Finance Regulation Conference.

Interview about TNFD Swiss Consultation Group

Veronica Baker, Project Manager at SSF, and Fabienne Sigg, Programme Manager at UN Global Compact Network for Liechtenstein and Switzerland (UNGCSL) answered the questions of Sustainable Finance Geneva on the nature of the TNFD framework. Read it here to learn more.


> Visit our website for more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

International News

  • The UK Transition Plan Taskforce has published their Disclosure Framework, which is a result of work by HM Treasury since 2020 and aims to set out good practice for the development of robust and credible transition plans.
  • The US Department of the Treasury has set out Principles for Net-Zero Financing & Investment, which aims to underscore the importance of net-zero commitments, promote consistency in these commitments and encourage best practice adoption.

Market News

  • According to the Morningstar annual “Voice of the Asset Owner Survey 2023”, two thirds of asset owners feel ESG has become more material to investment policy in the past five years.
New SSF members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations as new SSF members: 

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 249, can be found here.

Upcoming events

Further events are listed on the SSF website.

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.

New studies & reports
Conceptual note on short-term climate scenarios

The technical document conceptual note on short-term climate scenarios is a collaborative effort of the members of the NGFS Workstream on Scenario Design and Analysis. It does through different short-term climate scenarios and how these will impact policy makers, regulators and financial institutions.

More >
DVFA Leitfaden Impact Investing

The German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management has published a guide for impact investments to help investors answer questions around defining, achieving and measuring impacts. The paper outlines three necessary conditions around intentionality, evidence-based impact and (Net) positive impact.

More >
A Sustainability Integration Framework for Institutional Investors

The Sustainability Integration Framework for Institutional Investors launched by UNCTAD during the World Investment Forum, illustrates best practice for institutions in integrating development aspects in their investments.

More >

Kind Regards,

The SSF Team


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