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SSF Newsletter March 2022
Finance for Peace?
Dear Sir or Madam,

SSF joins the global business and finance community in expressing great compassion for the people of Ukraine facing a humanitarian crisis as a result of the invasion of the country through the Russian regime (see the SSF statement). Economic sanctions by business and political leaders can hopefully contribute to ending this devastating conflict soon and to relieving the suffering of the many direct and indirect victims of the war. In light of these dramatic circumstances we see it as even more important to make sure capital contributes to the development of sustainable solutions. Some news items illustrate how the global finance community has reacted to the terrible war.

While the war leads to immediate suffering, the latest IPCC report about impacts, adaptation and vulnerability summarises the current and modelled impacts on climate, ecosystem and biodiversity and potential risks linked to them in the mid- to long-term. It illustrates that we should not delay a fundamental conversion of our energy system. The fact that non-democratic regimes are losing support when the world moves away from traditional energy sources, has taken on a tragic actuality.


Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli


Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members and network partners

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
SSF Workshop for Institutional Asset Owners on Climate Strategies

In this workshop SSF provided an overview of different climate initiatives, followed by three case studies from Sammelstiftung Vita, Pensionskasse Basel Stadt and AXA Switzerland. The consecutive discussion rounds gave participants the opportunity to discuss challenges related to climate strategies for asset owners and ways to address them. The slides and recording are available in the member's section of the SSF website.

SSF has 28 members with a Net Zero Pledge

SSF now has 28 members with a net zero pledge. Our new signatories are BEKB, who is now a signatory of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Kieger, who is now a signatory of the Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative and zCapital, who is now a signatory of the Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative. Visit our website to view member  statements and for more information.

Sabine Döbeli wins Money The Swiss Finance Summit Award

Sabine Döbeli, the SSF CEO, won the sustainable finance award "Leistung in der Nachhaltigkeit" by the new Finance Summit "Money" for her achievements in sustainability within the financial sector. Read the Finanz and Wirtschaft article about this award.

SSF CEO featured on SIX podcast

It is the optimism of Christina Figueres, the famous climate diplomat, that inspires Sabine Döbeli according to an interview on the SIX podcast. Listen to the podcast here to learn how the sustainable financial market has gone from a niche feature segment to its prominent position within the Swiss financial centre today. 

AMAS/SSF Recommendations now available in German and French

During Building Bridges 2021 SSF and AMAS presented their latest paper “Recommendations of Transparency and Minimum Requirements for Sustainable Investment Approaches and Product”. This publication is now also available to read in German and in French.


> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

  • SwissBanking published a discussion paper on climate efficient mortgages and the role that Swiss banks can play in helping to propel the real estate sector, which accounts for almost one third of Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions, towards sustainability.
  • In the newest report from foraus, the creation of a Swiss Green Investment Bank (SGIB) is explored, with the mandate to enthuse financial players to act and to aid the international climate finance efforts. The required characteristics of such a bank are explained and potential actions are explored.

EU News

International News

  • Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) published their fourth annual State of Play report, which collects input from 29 financial centers around the globe. The report highlights seven key insights on how financial centres are mobilizing their capital, resources, connectivity and expertise. SSF contributed this report by completing the questionnaire for Zurich as a financial centre.
  • Switzerland, Japan and EU will hold the co-lead in a new working group within the IPSF (International Platform on Sustainable Finance). This group aims to explore the required elements needed for the feasible transition to a sustainable financial system by 2050.

War in Ukraine

New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisation as new SSF member: 

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 205, can be found here.

Upcoming Events
  • Save the Date: 9 June 2022, Zurich, launch of Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2022
  • Save the Date: 29 June 2022, Bern, SSF Annual Event
  • Save the Date: 3-6 October 2022, Geneva, Building Bridges Week 2023
SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.


New studies & reports
The EU Commission Platform on Sustainable Finance Final Report on Social Taxonomy

In this final report on the Social Taxonomy, the EU Commission Platform on Sustainable Finance provides a structure for a social taxonomy, its relationship with the environmental taxonomy and other sustainability objectives such as governance and the regulatory landscape. The two key features of the social taxonomy are: 1) the distinction between inherent social benefit, i.e. job creation, and additional social benefits and 2)  the social taxonomy cannot be based on science.

More >
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report: Climate Change 2022 Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

This report is published by the Working group II of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). The current and modelled impacts on climate, ecosystem and biodiversity and potential risks are documented. This SSF summary highlights the financial aspects of this report. Read the summary for policymakers here.

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Driving sustainability from within: The role of central banks’ credit rating in mitigating climate and environmental risks

This report examines the role of national central banks’ (NCBs) in-house credit assessment systems(ICAS) and looks at a possible integration of climate and environmental-related (C&E) risks beyond conventional financial indicators. The report concludes that the ICAS assessment is highly suited towards climate and environmental (C&E) risk integration and is a less biased and more consistent source of data than many private-sector ESG providers offer.

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“Who Pays for Sustainability? An Analysis of Sustainability-Linked Bonds”

Dr. Julian Köbel and Adrien-Paul Lambillon, from the Centre for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at the Department of Banking and Finance of the University of Zurich, published this new piece of research, which explores sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs). These are types of bonds that have a coupon linked to the issuer achieving a sustainability target and are an important and promising mechanism for impact investing.

More >

> Find these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance


Kind Regards,

The SSF Team


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