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SSF Newsletter December 2021
The Roadmap to a Sustainable Future
Dear Sir or Madam,

It was a great honour for me to take over the Presidency of Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) this summer in a time when sustainable finance has been moving from niche to mainstream. Looking back at the first half year creates a sense of pride, as SSF was able to shape the future direction of the industry through its manifold activities. The Roadmap for Key Swiss Financial Market Players that SSF published during Building Bridges is a milestone in this respect.

Over the last six months the pressure on the financial industry has been increased by both regulators and the civil society, with COP26 in Glasgow fuelling private sector action. Many financial market players have stepped up their efforts to contribute to the transition to a more sustainable future and have made concrete commitments to net-zero. However, a lot still remains to be done in the coming years.

I have experienced SSF as a powerful and well-renowned organisation, also due to the active engagement of its members and partners. We are proud that SSF keeps attracting many new members, among which a growing number of pension funds. I am convinced that the fruitful collaboration with all our members is the key ingredient for an auspicious 2022. I am very much looking forward to continue this journey and work on a dedicated implementation of all the measures sketched in the Roadmap, together with our members and partners.

I wish you a pleasant festive season and Happy New Year.


Kind regards,
Patrick Odier
SSF President

Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members and network partners

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
Read the Summary of SSF at Building Bridges 2021

SSF, as co-founder of Building Bridges, is reflecting on a successful Building Bridges Week 2021. SSF (co-) hosted three events at Building Bridges 2021 and launched the Roadmap for Key Swiss Financial Market Players. Read our summary of the week here. A selection of the event presentations can be found in the “Past Events” section of our website.

Launch of Roadmap for Key Swiss Financial Market Players

The Swiss financial sector has a key role to play in accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable and climate-neutral world. In this Roadmap SSF outlines concrete measures targeted at various financial market players such as banks, asset managers, insurance companies and institutional investors. View the dedicated website to read the publication.

New AMAS/SSF Recommendations

AMAS and SSF presented the new “Recommendations of Transparency and Minimum Requirements for Sustainable Investment Approaches and Product” during Building Bridges 2021. They are directed at the asset management industry to bring about clarity regarding different sustainable finance investment approaches. Read the report here.


> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss News

  • The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs launched its Sustainable Development Goals Impact Finance Initiative (SIFI) on 1 December. The initiative, supported by SSF, aims to mobilise up to one billion Swiss francs in private capital to advance measurable impact in developing countries.
  • Regarding the corporate responsibility initiative, the Federal Council has brought the new provisions in the Code of Obligations and the new ordinance into force on 1 January 2022. The law grants companies one year to adjust to the new obligations. They will therefore apply for the first time in the 2023 business year. Read the press release here.

EU News

  • Taxonomy: On 9 December 2021 the Climate Delegated Act was published in the Official Journal. Its provisions come into effect as of 1 January 2022. 
  • The European Commission informed that the application date of the Regulatory Technical Standards for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation will be delayed. Instead of applying as of 1 July 2022 these disclosure requirements will apply as of 1 January 2023. Eurosif has put together a practical overview of disclosure requirements with all key dates and misalignments.

Market trends

  • Private Asset Impact Fund Report 2021: This report is based on a survey conducted by Tameo on private asset impact funds (PAIFs). It illustrates the result of an analysis of 175 investment funds. Switzerland-based investment managers represent 35% of assets under management in the sample.
New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisation as new SSF member: 

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 195, can be found here.

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles.


New studies & reports
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero: Our progress and plan towards a net-zero global economy

The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) is a global coalition of leading financial institutions in the UN’s Race to Zero that is committed to accelerating and mainstreaming the decarbonisation of the world economy and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. This report aims to summarise not only the work accomplished by GFANZ to date, but also the road ahead for GFANZ. It will also serve as a resource for financial services practitioners and all those who work on net-zero issues.

More >
Recommendations on Sustainability-Related Practices, Policies, Procedures and Disclosure in Asset Management

This Final Report, drafted by the IOSCO Task Force on Sustainable Finance, follows the Consultation Report titled Recommendations on Sustainability-Related Practices, Policies, Procedures and Disclosure in Asset Management that was published on 30 June 2021. The aim is to improve sustainability-related practices, policies, procedures and disclosures in the asset management industry and makes five recommendations for securities regulators and policymakers.

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Evaluating Impact Performance: Clean Energy Access Investments

The Global Impact Investment Network (GIIN) conducted this pilot research study to assess the annualised impact performance of direct impact investments in clean energy access and housing. This effort addressed two sets of questions: 1) Feasibility: Is it possible to aggregate and compare impact performance data to generate insights?, 2) Results: If so, what social and environmental results are associated with impact investors’ activity?

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Time to deliver: mobilising private capital at scale for people and planet

The recommendations for private capital in this report focus on transforming the quality and transparency of information on the impact of investment decisions and deploying financing, especially in emerging markets, that delivers positive social and environmental impact.

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I've Got the Power! Really?

As the pace of green financial innovations is frantic, there is a high need to assess the ability of the proposed financial solutions to support and finance the clean energy transition in Europe. This report analyses the “climate impact potential” of financial solutions relevant for the financing of the energy transition. For that purpose 2° Investing developed a “Climate Impact Potential Assessment Grid” based on previous studies on investor impact conducted by the Impact Management Project (IMP) and the University of Zurich (UZH).

More >

> Find these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance


Kind Regards, SSF Team


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