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SSF Newsletter September 2021
Moving to a Next Level
Dear Sir or Madam,

For many years, being in the media with a sustainable finance topic was a guarantee to get positive coverage. More recently, we are mostly reading critical voices, and greenwashing is the most common term in this context. Reading these articles can be frustrating for those working in this field, but we should appreciate the fundamental shift leading to these judgments: sustainable finance is finally being taken seriously. You can find a selection of such articles in the media section of this newsletter. Amongst them also an article from the 4th of September featuring a response from SSF to the recently raised criticism on sustainable finance.

Recently there is an increased focus on addressing global challenges and clients, the public sector and the media are more critically engaging with sustainability and the impact this delivers. Although some of these expectations may be based on misunderstandings about the intended effects of different sustainable finance approaches, I see it as a positive trend that the financial sector is moving to the next level in regard to transparency and impact. Such levelling up increases the amount and intensity of work to be tackled by the financial services industry at large and SSF. In order to better contribute to this challenge of making sustainable finance even stronger and tackle a growing number of tasks ahead, this month SSF has gained the support of two new colleagues joining the team. We look forward to working with them! 


Kind regards and stay healthy,
Sabine Döbeli

Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members joining SSF

Join these events

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
SSF team gaining support

This month we welcomed two new senior staff members in the SSF team. While Katja Brunner will cover legal and regulatory topics, Stefan Faust will be responsible for different projects and oversee communications.

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For Members Only: SSF published Key Considerations for Financial Institutions on Adverse Sustainability Impacts

If you are a member and would like to view this paper on how financial institutions can start building their own methodologies to assess and report on adverse sustainability impacts, it is available in the members section of the website or you can e-mail us to request it.

SSF Feedback on Extended and Social Taxonomy

SSF consolidated member input and submitted its views on the European Commission’s extended taxonomy and social taxonomy drafts. While SSF is quite supportive of the extended taxonomy, SSF echoes critical voices regarding the social taxonomy.

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SSF Call for Net Zero Commitment

Ahead of the COP26 in Glasgow from the 31 October to 12 November 2021, SSF encourages all its members to commit to lowering carbon emissions within the financial sector. Check out the new page on our website for more information.

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Open SSF Position

To strengthen the team here in Zürich we are looking for an Office Manager/-in (40-50%) as of 2022. Find more details about the position here.

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SSF Response to Agenda 2030 Progress Inventory

SSF responded to the Federal Council's Agenda 2030 progress inventory for 2018-2022. In the response, which features 5 targets relevant to the financial sector, 3 are evaluated to be progressing well and 2 as progressing insufficiently.

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> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss news

International news

Market trends

New members and network partners

We are very happy to welcome XO Investments SA (Service Provider) to our network.

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 187, can be found on the SSF website.

Join these events

SSF events:

Other sustainable finance events:

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

> Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

New studies & reports
Sustainable Finance: Investment and financing needed for Switzerland to reach net zero by 2050

In this publication investment and financing that is required to meet Switzerland's 2050 goals is evaluated. Investments totalling CHF 387 billion will be required by 2050, many of which can come from lending and capital markets with the support of banks. 

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> Find these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance


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Swiss Sustainable Finance
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