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SSF Newsletter May 2021
Weaving networks
Dear Sir or Madam,

This month, we are happy to announce that SSF has further strengthened its network in Europe as the newest member of Eurosif. With international developments speeding up and yet another set of sustainable finance measures passed by the EU, there is no better time to discuss the way forward in sustainable finance with our peers from all over Europe, and thus contribute to a mutual push forward for effective frameworks.

In the meantime, SSF is working hard to bring you the latest Swiss market insights: Don’t forget to sign up for our Market Study launch webinar on 7 June, when we will publish the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2021. We are also looking forward to our Members’ Assembly on the morning of 22 June, where SSF will elect its new president after our current president steps down from his full 6-year term.

Finally, our public Annual Conference on the afternoon of 22 June will give us the opportunity to bring together our broad network and discuss ways to provide transparency on the sustainability of products, ultimately helping finance gain the trust of clients and society at large.


Kind regards,
Kelly Hess
Director Projects, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF)

Newsletter content

SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members joining SSF

Join these events

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance
SSF Market Study launch webinar

On 7 June, SSF will publish the 2021 edition of the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study and present the latest results in our launch webinar. Register now by clicking on the link below!

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SSF joins Eurosif

SSF has joined Eurosif, the leading pan European sustainable and responsible investment association advocating for a more sustainable financial system.

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Building Bridges Week and Summit

From 29 November to 2 December 2021, the 2nd edition of the Building Bridges Week and Summit - of which SSF is a founding partner - will take place in Geneva. Organizations active in sustainable finance can contribute to Building Bridges by hosting an own event.

More >
Open SSF position

SSF is looking to complete its team with an experienced sustainable finance professional. Please forward the job description in your network if you know someone who shares our passion for sustainable finance.

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> Read more about these and other SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

Swiss news

International developments

Market trends

  • The Financial Times reported that for the first time, European sustainable index funds inflows surpassed all others ETFs, according to data from TrackInsight. In 2020, assets in passive funds tracking indices based on ESG principles jumped from USD 59bn to USD 174bn.
New members and network partners

We are very happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 175, can be found on the SSF website.

Join these events

SSF events:

Other sustainable finance events:

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

> Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

New studies & reports
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PRI Technical Guide: TCFD for Real Assets Investors

This new guide by the Principles for Responsible Invesment (PRI) sets out different actions for investors invested in real assets and seeking to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

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Sustainable Debt: Global State of the Market 2020

This report, published by the Climate Bonds Initiative, assesses the scale and depth of the green, social, and sustainability debt markets as of the end of 2020. The market analysis examines the changes in the debt markets during 2020 and also includes a forward-looking spotlight section on the development of transition, green recovery finance and EU green market leadership.


> Find these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance


Interested in joining our network of members and partners?  > Learn more

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8001 Zürich
+41 44 515 60 50
Swiss Sustainable Finance
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