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SSF Newsletter August 2020: Back to school
Dear Sir or Madam,

After a well-deserved summer break, students are returning to their classrooms. But it’s not just them that have to keep learning. In a detailed report with 13 recommendations on the role of sustainable finance for the Swiss financial centre published by the Federal Council in summer, sustainable finance education and training was one of the key goals mentioned – a goal that has also been in the centre of many SSF activities.

Jointly with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), SSF recently released a study based on interviews with different players from education and finance suggesting concrete measures on how to make sustainability a firm element of finance education and training. Furthermore, through our updated e-learning tool and our publications and webinars, we support practitioners in building up relevant know-how in this area of growing importance. We are convinced that education can serve as an important lever for greater sustainability in the economy.

Besides this, SSF is also working on other projects in the field of sustainability in real estate investments, ESG transparency in portfolios, and on finance instruments for a low-carbon economy – so stay tuned!

Kind regards,

Alberto Stival

Director PR and Communication, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF)


SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members joining SSF

Join these events

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance


New finance education report


The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and SSF jointly published a report on sustainability in Swiss financial education and training. Following the report and the recommendations, FOEN and SSF have started a dialogue with relevant actors on next steps in integrating sustainability into finance education at all levels. Access the report here


SSF replied to EU Consultation


With feedback from our member base, SSF took part in the public consultation on the European Commission’s Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy. Read SSF’s answer here


Four new representatives elected to SSF Board


At the SSF Members’ Assembly in June four new representatives were elected to the SSF Board. We are happy to have the support of Alexandra Lau (BLKB), Manuel Rybach (Credit Suisse), Dominique Becht (Stiftung Abendrot) and Fiona Frick (Unigestion) and thank them for their commitment. View the full SSF Board


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


Swiss news


International initiatives

Market trends


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New members and network partners

We are very happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:



The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 158, can be found on the SSF website.


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Join these events

Upcoming SSF events:

Other sustainable finance events:

 Other activities & opportunities:

  • The 6th edition of the Global Green Finance Index (GGFI) will be published this autumn, rating the world’s financial centres on the depth and quality of their green finance. You can give your opinion on the centres in which you have done business by filling in this survey.

Further events are currently being planned – more information on our website

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

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New studies & reports
  • August 2020: A new study by the ZHAW examines the importance of sustainable investments for Swiss pension funds, interviewing 24 pension funds with assets of around CHF 285 billion about their sustainable investment strategies.
  • August 2020: The Alternative Bank Switzerland (ABS) and the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel jointly released a guide "Mit Wirkung Anlegen/ Investir en créant de l’impact", which sets out a seven-step procedure to simplify and promote impact-oriented investing for foundations.
  • July 2020: In a recent publication, researchers from the ETH Zurich assessed 16 climate transition tools regarding quality, comparability and decision-relevance. Based on this, they set out potential next steps for providers, conclusions for tool users and guidelines for supervisory authorities.
  • July 2020: The US SIF Foundation published a report on the Rise of ESG in Passive Investments, exploring the growth of passive ESG investing and the debate on the effectiveness of passive versus active ESG funds.
  • June 2020: The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) published a first set of climate scenarios for central banks and supervisors, along with a user guide. The NGFS scenarios explore the transition and physical impacts of climate change under varying assumptions, with the aim to provide a common reference framework to understand these risks.
  • June 2020: In a new guide on sustainable municipal finances (in German), the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlage (FNG) provides recommendations on divestment and the integration of sustainability in municipal finances and investments.
  • July 2020: A white paper on sports and finance for development offers a new perspective on how private and public capital can be mobilized to fund targeted sports for development (S4D).

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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