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SSF Newsletter February 2020: The decade to deliver
Dear Sir or Madam,

With the last decade’s fast developments in sustainable finance, the path to a more sustainable financial system and economy as a whole has become clearer. The 2020’s have now started with numerous positive movements. At this year’s World Economic Forum, we saw a high concentration of events focused on sustainability, signalling that business leaders have taken notice.

An attest to this are the recent announcements by the largest global asset manager, BlackRock, promising to implement policies to convert all active portfolios and advisory strategies to be “fully ESG integrated”, or by America’s largest bank, J.P. Morgan, to create a Development Finance Institution that will finance projects in emerging economies. Finally, many of the EU Action Plan elements will, or have already, taken effect and the EU Commission has announced a next, even more ambitious, sustainable finance program.

The timeline and methods as to how we can build sustainable considerations into financial decisions and push forward to reach internationally agreed goals have thus been set. Read more about what else has been going on in the market in this month’s newsletter.

Kind regards,

Kelly Hess

Director Projects, Swiss Sustainable Finance


SSF activities at a glance

Regulatory and market news

New members joining SSF

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New reports & studies

SSF activities at a glance


Publication on EU Action Plan


In mid-December, SSF published a Focus report on the topic of EU regulation. The report provides an overview of five of the key EU sustainable finance initiatives most relevant to Swiss financial institutions. Access the publication here


SSF and ICMA green bond event


Over 150 delegates joined SSF and the International Capital market Association (ICMA) for a half-day conference on 29 January to discuss developments in the green bond markets from a Swiss perspective. Summaries and photos available here


SSF at World Economic Forum (WEF)


Our CEO Sabine Döbeli spoke at two events in Davos, starting with the Sina-Davos breakfast session on Chinese ESG practices in a global context. SSF also joined a panel at the House of Switzerland, discussing how partnerships between the public/private sector and academia contribute to making buildings more energy-efficient. Read more


Roundtable on sustainable investments at FINANZ‘20


At FINANZ’20, the largest finance fair in Switzerland, SSF Director Projects Kelly Hess spoke at a roundtable on sustainable investments.
View a video summary here


WWF & SSF joint workshop series


At the 2nd breakfast event organised jointly with WWF Switzerland, SSF members and partners met with researchers from the University of Hamburg to engage in discussions on recent academic evidence linking nature risk to financial risks. The next event of the members-only series will take place in Geneva on 20 February. Read more here


Preparation for Market Study 2020


SSF is currently collecting data for the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2020. Banks, asset managers and asset owners managing assets from Switzerland can take part in the related survey until 9 March.
Email us for more information.


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


Swiss news


International initiatives

Market trends


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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:


The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 140, can be found on the SSF website.


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Join these events


Upcoming SSF events:

  • 20 February 2020, WWF Switzerland & SSF joint breakfast event, 3rd edition of event series to meet the academics, Geneva (for SSF members and partners only)
  • 8 June 2020, SSF Market Study 2020 Launch Event, Zurich (more information soon)
  • 30 June 2020, SSF Members’ Assembly and Annual Conference, Bern (more information soon)

Other sustainable finance events:

 Other activities & opportunities:

  • The University of Lichtenstein has announced a Call for Papers for its 2020 Workshop on Sustainable Finance. Deadline for submission is 3 March.
  • For the Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance 2020, the organiser are also calling for papers, to be submitted by 1 May.

Further events are currently being planned – more information on our website

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

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New studies & reports
  • January 2020: The Global Risk Report 2020, presented at the WEF, revealed for the first time that the top five most likely risks facing our society are all climate-related.
  • January 2020: In their recent publication entitled “Nature is too big to fail”, PwC and WWF Switzerland highlight how the financial risks associated with the loss of biodiversity will become increasingly important.
  • January 2020: The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) has released the 2nd edition of it State of Impact Measurement and Management Practice, a survey of impact investors’ objectives, strategies and processes.
  • January 2020: In the Financial Stability Report 2019 published by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), a thematic chapter on climate risk assesses the sovereign bond portfolios of European insurers in a scenario of disorderly introduction of climate policies.
  • January 2020: The European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on ESG market practices, stating that credit institutions are still in the early stages of ESG integration
  • January 2020: The European Corporate Reporting Lab, part of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), published a first report on How to improve climate-related reporting, which aims to provide information for TCFD and NFRD.
  • January 2020: Climate-related economic disruptions might require significant interventions to fend off crisis, also from central banks, warns a recent book published by the Bank for International Settlements.
  • January 2020: A report on Investors and the Blue Economy was published by Credit Suisse and Responsible Investor. The report discuss the impact of an investment on the marine environment, how this many affect portfolio performance and value and what needs to change for private capital to flow towards a sustainable use of the ocean.

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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