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SSF Newsletter December 2019: On the lookout
Dear Sir or Madam,

The past months have illustrated the dynamic movements around the globe attempting to stir sustainability action. Just this week, the EU published the first two regulations under its Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth and the Swiss Federal Council voiced its opinion on the topic. On a broader level, the Climate Conference in Madrid and the EU Green New Deal have shown how supranational entities are trying to tackle climate change challenges.

At the same time, technical hurdles and political obstacles do not make it easy for financial players to see a clear direction and navigate through the labyrinth of initiatives. This motivates us to keep looking out for relevant developments and provide guidance on concrete actions. We wish you a nice festive season and send our best wishes for a sustainable 2020.

Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


SSF activities at a glance

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SSF activities at a glance


SSF and PRI joint events in Zurich and Geneva


During two events in early November, SSF and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) brought together 200 professionals to learn how global sustainability frameworks such as the TCFD and the SDGs can be applied in investment processes. Summaries and a recording of the Zurich event are available here


SSF event in Lugano on sustainable mobility


On 2 December, SSF held an event in Lugano on the topic of sustainable mobility and the future of automobiles. Over 70 participants heard from experts providing first-hand insights on the current shifts towards e-mobility and discussed opportunities for investors. More on the event here


WWF & SSF joint workshop series


At the 4-part breakfast series organised jointly with WWF Switzerland, SSF members and partners have the chance to meet with researchers and engage in discussions on recent academic findings. The first event took place on 20 November, covering physical and transition risks’ influence on performance of financial assets. Read more here


SSF expertise welcomed by different partners


SSF is proud to announce its involvement in national and international bodies with a link to sustainable finance. SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli was invited to join the advisory board of the Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance (SDFA), which harnesses digital technologies for sustainable finance and will offer opportunities for future cooperation in this important emerging field.


As of 2020 Sabine will also be a member of the Advisory Committee on International Cooperation of the Swiss Government. Furthermore, SSF Deputy CEO Jean Laville is now part of the jury of the Swiss environmental award.


 SSF at the NZZ SIFF 2019


At this year’s Swiss International Finance Forum (SIFF), SSF was a knowledge partner and moderated a C-level panel, speaking with the panelists about the challenges involved in implementing sustainable investment strategies.


SSF releases member tools on EU regulation


SSF, through its Wealth & Asset Management workgroup, commissioned a report and factsheets on the effect of the EU Action Plan on different types of financial organisations. This material was released to members and partners early December. SSF members can contact us for more details.


SSF Asset Owner Workshop


On 12 November, SSF organized an asset owner workshop, bringing together 20 representatives from pension funds and insurances to discuss sustainability considerations in real-estate investments and the development of a sustainable real-estate investment policy. A summary is available for SSF members.


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


Swiss news


International initiatives

Market trends


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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

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The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 139, can be found on the SSF website.


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Join these events


Upcoming SSF events:

  • 29 January 2020, SSF/ICMA joint conference on green bonds, Zurich
  • 20 February 2020, WWF Switzerland & SSF joint breakfast event, 3rd edition of event series to meet the academics, Geneva (for SSF members and partners only)
  • SAVE THE DATE: 30 June 2020, SSF Members’ Assembly and Annual Conference, Bern

Other sustainable finance events:


Further events are currently being planned – more information on our website

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

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New studies & reports

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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