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SSF Newsletter October 2019: Are you a bridge builder?
Dear Sir or Madam,

This autumn, Switzerland made headlines with milestone initiatives and activities on sustainable finance in Geneva. SSF is proud to have represented the Zurich financial centre, together with SFG representing the Geneva financial centre, during FC4S’s 2nd Annual Meeting in Geneva, where 30 financial centres from around the world reunited to develop a strategy to align their investments with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. Benefiting from the presence of this strong network, the Building Bridges Week and Summit were organized during the same week and successfully strengthened bridges between a wide range of actors aiming to help achieve the SDGs through the creation of investment opportunities.

The teamwork displayed within the Swiss community to host 30 different events in one week and bring together key players is a sign that Switzerland is 100% committed to adopting appropriate measures to meet the SDGs and push sustainable finance to new levels. This commitment, also evident in the Swiss Brochure launched last week, is stronger than ever. But more needs to be done and we are fully aware that the journey ahead is still long.

Kind regards,

Jean Laville

Deputy CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


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SSF activities at a glance


Successful Building Bridges Summit in Geneva


From 7 to 11 October, Geneva was at the heart of sustainable finance, with a full-week programme including 30 events to foster collaboration and accelerate the finance industry’s contribution to the SDGs. The week culminated in the high-level Building Bridges Summit, co-organised by SFG, SSF and Genève Place Financière and attended by over 800 participants.


Statements by the President of the Swiss Confederation, the CEOs of UBS and Julius Baer, and other influential voices, expressed the urgency to join efforts to finance the achievement of the SDGs. View short summary and event pictures


New brochure: Switzerland for Sustainable Finance


Early October, SSF launched the brochure Switzerland for Sustainable Finance – Transforming finance for a better world. Produced by SSF in a project with industry associations SBA, SFAMA and SIA, it provides a comprehensive overview of Switzerland’s unique strengths and innovation capacity in sustainable finance. Download brochure


SSF at FC4S Annual Meeting


On 9 October, the Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) held its 2nd Annual Meeting in Geneva. Both the city of Zurich and Geneva are part of the network and were represented by SSF and SFG respectively. The 30 financial centres united to set out a new strategy aiming to align their investments with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.


FC4S also agreed to strengthen public-private collaboration and support coherence across markets, and launched a regional work plan for Africa. Read more


«Finanza sostenibile, una questione solo etica?»


SSF teamed up with Ticino for Finance for a conference in Lugano on key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in sustainable finance, also discussing the profitability and market logic behind sustainable investments. More on the event here


Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)


SSF has officially endorsed the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The PRB, which were launched at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York in September, count on the support of 130 founding signatories, including 5 Swiss banks. More on the PRB



PRI in Person

This year’s PRI in Person took place in Paris and saw a record of 1600 attendees. Beside high-profile plenaries, the conference featured breakout sessions on various topics. Jean Laville, deputy CEO of SSF, spoke on the panel of a session co-organised by SSF, dedicated to sustainable finance education for institutional investors. More on PRI in person


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


Swiss news


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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

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 The full list of our members and network partners, now standing at 135, can be found on the SSF website.


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Join these events


Upcoming SSF events:

  • 5/ 6 November, Joint events with the PRI, Using existing global frameworks to ensure more resilient investment, Zurich/Geneva. The Zurich event is fully booked but will be live-streamed. Registration for the Geneva event is still open.
  • 20 November, WWF Switzerland & SSF joint event, First event of breakfast series to meet the academics - Linking environmental risks to financial risks, Zurich (for SSF members only - more information online)

Other sustainable finance events:

Other activities:

  • The Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA) is currently conducting a poll on investment practices relating to climate risks and financial disclosures, including the TCFD recommendations. Participate here before 18 October

Further events are currently being planned – more information on our website

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

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New studies & reports
  • October 2019: A newly published guide for the insurance industry provides practical guidance to insurers on how to prevent or reduce the risk of insuring and investing in companies or projects whose activities could damage World Heritage Sites.
  • September 2019: On a similar topic, ShareAction released a report entitled «Insuring a Low-Carbon Future», which explores how climate awareness is being integrated into underwriting, investment and group-wide risk management practices.
  • September 2019: The zRating Study on Corporate Governance in Swiss Public Companies was published for the 11th time, evaluating 174 listed Swiss companies regarding shareholders’ rights and drawing attention to possible conflicts between shareholders and managers.
  • September 2019: The Climate Finance Leadership Initiative has published a report on «Financing the Low-Carbon Future» which examines the challenges and potential solutions to delivering the necessary private financing for a sustainable low-carbon economy. The report identifies 5 factors that are hampering progress.
  • September 2019: A recent study by the BlueOrchard Academy, compiled in cooperation with the University of Zurich and FINEXUS discusses climate-related risks and their impact, especially on less-developed countries as well as potential economic losses in the financial system.

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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