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SSF Members Assembly
Swiss Sustainable Finance News: November 2014

We are happy to present you the first edition of "Swiss Sustainable Finance News" providing topical insights on activities and events in this field.


SSF has marked the start of its activities with two important milestones: its first Members' Assembly in Bern and the first public event in Zurich. Both events received considerable media attention while the predominant message was a positive one: Sustainable finance offers growth opportunities in a challenging environment. Find a choice of articles in the media section

Members' Assembly in Bern
Assembly from front

Members and network partners from all parts of Switzerland came together for the first Members' Assembly in Bern on 22 September. Different experts looked back at the history of sustainable finance in Switzerland. They left no doubt: Switzerland has a lot to offer in this domain.

Voting procedure

The SSF Board was elected and subsequently the objectives of different workstream objectives were discussed intensely in different breakout sessions.

You find a short description of the different workstreams on our website. 

Double digit growth in sustainable finance expected

The first SSF members' survey reveiled great optimism as to the future role of Switzerland in sustainable finance. A vast majority of our members and partners are convinced that this market will grow at double digit rates. And as a result, most of them are convince that SSF will reach its ambitious goal: to make Switzerland a leading centre for sustainable finance. See the results in the respective summary.

First public event - watch film
Marianne Fay

On 23 October, more than 200 people joined the first SSF event at SIX cto listen to the keynotes of State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch and Marianne Fay, World Bank. Gain an overview on the event by watching the short film and check the photo section for more pictures

Foto Audience
A great choice of sustainable finance events

November is packed with sustainable finance events offering many insights and perspectives. Check our event calendar for details on the events.

SSF will keep the event calendar up to date and is happy to list your sustainable finance event as well. Just send an email to info@sustainablefinance.ch.

Didier Burkhalter refers to SSF at the World Investment Forum

The World Investment Forum that was held in Geneva from 13-16 October was opened by the Swiss Federal Council Didier Burkhalter. In his speech, Mr. Burkhalter highlighted the importance of integrating sustainability into financial services and welcomed the founding of SSF promoting this topic. SSF jointly with SFG and UNEP FI hosted a reception in the context of the WIF, attracting a great number of participants.

The future of finance

SSF is currently setting up next year's activities with interesting events and insightful publications. Be it the risk of stranded assets or the opportunity of investing in development - you will soon read more about it on our website or in the next newsletter.  We look forward to becoming your main point of entry for information on the future of finance.


Best regards


The SSF team




Members Assembly
Grossmünsterplatz 6
8001 Zürich
+41 44 515 60 50
Swiss Sustainable Finance
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