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Swiss Sustainable Finance News: March 2015

SSF establishes workgroups and hosts events


Since our launch event last autumn, the core focus of SSF activities has been on establishing the cooperation with our members and network partners in different workgroups. Furthermore, various events are being planned – some organized by SSF, some in cooperation with partners. Ongoing communication over the past few months through articles and presentations is helping us make Swiss Sustainable Finance a well renowned actor in the Swiss financial centre. Read more in this newsletter about the latest activities and further plans.


Kind regards


Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance

Events and Academics

Next SSF Event on private wealth managment, sign up now!

Entitled “Private wealth allocation to sustainable investments: assessing barriers and opportunities”, our next event offers the opportunity to learn more about cutting edge research on the role of sustainable investments in private wealth management. Together with our speakers Falko Paetzold and Heiko Specking we will discuss barriers and solutions in making sustainable investing a core competence of Swiss private wealth managers. For more details and to register click here.



Encompassing overview on other events on SSF website

Don't miss your chance to join one of the many upcoming events on sustainable finance in Switzerland.


Academic Calendar 2015

SSF has prepared an overview on executive level courses run by the University of Zürich Department of Banking and Finance in 2015. Please visit the "Training" section on our website to get more details and information on registration.

SSF Info

New Members

We are happy to have welcomed the following 8 new members and network partners since November 2014:

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  • Alternative Bank Schweiz
  • Centro di Studi Bancari
  • Eltaver AG
  • FINANCEcontact Ltd.
  • Impact Finance Management SA
  • Unigestion SA
  • Vietnam Holding Asset Management
  • Zürcher Kantonalbank

SSF is now supported by 81 organisations and therewith gains further traction in addressing our ambitious goals.


New service – Job listings

As an additional service for the sustainable finance community, we have implemented a “Job Listings” section on our website to help connect our members with potential candidates with a dedication for sustainable finance.


SECO presents views of SSF and other partners

On January 29th, the Directorate of Economic Cooperation and Development, part of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO/WE), held an event to update their partner organisations on its activities.


As part of the tribute to their partners, a short video was compiled with different voices on the role of SECO/WE in promoting development. One of those voices was SSF CEO, Sabine Döbeli, describing the cooperation between SECO and SSF. Check out this and other comments i.e. by State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, Director SECO, Peter Niggli (Alliance Sud), Beatriz Londono (Colombian Ambassador).


Watch short video from SECO/WE


Several SSF workgroups in place


In the past two months we have been busy, together with our members and partners, in setting up first activities in different workgroups. SSF is working on standard training material on sustainable finance and also looks into ways to promote sustainable investments in private wealth management.


SSF experts speak at various events

SSF was invited to present its goals at many different events. Deza hosted a public event in Bern in November 2014 to provide information about Switzerland's role in shaping the "UN Sustainable Development Goals past 2015" and the challenges related to financing the necessary change. A panel of experts, in which SSF took part, discussed the main challenges in financing the sustainable development goals. SSF was also invited to present at Novethic's annual event in December 2014. The Novethic full-day event presented the results of their survey with data from over 180 asset owners. Other topics covered during the day were Investors Acting on Climate Change, Human Rights, Corporate Tax Avoidance and Financing a Green Economy. You find summaries on these and other events on our website.


What caught our attention this month

Global Sustainable Investment Review 2014 by GSIA


Looking for a snapshot of the global market in terms of volume, growth and practice? This report draws on data and insights provided by GSIA members (Eurosif, US SIF, RIA Canada, ASrIA and RIA Australasia). Each member offers in-depth reports providing information, analysis and examples of sustainable investment within their markets.


The role of the private sector in financing development

UN Global Compact publication outlines the role of companies, institutional investors and foundations in contributing to global sustainability goals through their financing strategy. The paper leaves no doubt: private finance will be needed to achieve sustainable development and it stresses the importance of innovative tools and a well-functioning financial system.


A UK guide from pension funds for asset managers

In the UK, large pension funds have published a guide for asset managers on how to best report on ESG integration. Is this relevant for Swiss asset managers? Yes, in case they want to contribute to make Switzerland an important asset management hub. Increasingly, large asset owners will require information on the integration of ESG aspects – so let’s get started.


Check out these and other reports we found an interesting read.

Closing thoughts

We are proud to have gained the support of many organisations leading the way in sustainable finance since our launch.


With joined forces we will work towards our overarching goal: To make Switzerland the leading centre for sustainable finance.


Best regards


The SSF team

Grossmünsterplatz 6
8001 Zürich
+41 44 515 60 50
Swiss Sustainable Finance
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