SSF Newsletter October 2018
Dear Sir or Madam,
Is Green the new Black?
Green is high on the agenda of the latest initiatives around sustainable finance. Be it the European Taxonomy that aims to define activities classified as green investments, calls for fossil fuel divestment from the New York City and London Mayors or the new Global Green Bond Partnership – all of them revolve around humanity’s most pressing challenge, climate change. This comes as no surprise considering that the IPCC is now urgently calling on governments to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees, knowing all too well that even keeping the temperature increase below 2 degrees is a already major challenge.
Yet, creating a sustainable world requires action in many different areas: good governance and greater diversity lay the foundation for long-term beneficial decisions, both in governments and companies. Respecting human rights - in the supply chain or in investments – helps to create societies that allow people to live a life in dignity. Both topics were covered in recent SSF events that supported our members in establishing sound sustainability practices. Even though climate change is the most urgent issue we face, it is important to keep a broad perspective on sustainability. In fact, this may even help us combat climate change most effectively.
Kind regards,
Sabine Döbeli
CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance
SSF activities
SSF event in Ticino: Gender equality in the financial sector
On 10 October, SSF organized an event on gender equality in Ticino. Speakers and panellists presented current research and data on gender disparity, and highlighted specific opportunities for the financial sector. During the round table, the discussion revolved both around implications of the gender gap and the importance of diversity in a company as a whole. Read more on the event here.
twentyfifty and SSF human rights workshop
As part of a series of workshops commissioned by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), SSF co-organised an interactive half-day workshop on the role of human rights for the financial sector. Visit the event summary for pictures and further material on human rights due diligence requirements for the financial sector.
SSF and Convergence event: Blended Finance information session and networking breakfast
Over 50 participants interested in blended finance gathered on 28 August for an event co-hosted by SSF and Convergence in Zurich. Convergence, a Canadian platform for blended finance, explained the role of different market players necessary for successful blended finance solutions. The event also included two presentations of products developed by Swiss players.
SSF presents education tools in Lugano and Zurich
Regulatory and market news
Swiss news
International initiatives
Market trends
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SSF and sustainable finance in the media
- 10 October, Corriere del Ticino, Coinvolgere di più le donne
- 2 October, Radiotelevisione svizzera, Interview and article with Alberto Stival
- 2 October, NZZ, Des Portfolios Kern: Wenn Anleger genau wissen wollen, was ihr Geld anrichtet (subscription required)
- September edition, Schweizer Bank, Special feature on sustainability including SSF market study (subscription required)
- 30 September, Le Temps, Les banques peuvent mieux faire dans la finance durable
- 19 September, NZZ, Schweizer Millionäre sind bei Geldanlagen Nachhaltigkeits-Muffel
- 26 August, Le Temps, Les 10 stars suisses de la finance durable (featuring Sabine Döbeli and SSF board members)
- 26 August, Le Temps, L'investissement responsable n'est plus une niche
- 24 August, Le Temps, Les multiples formes de la finance durable
- 13 August, Tagesanzeiger, So legen Sie Geld an, ohne Ihr Karma zu trüben
- 13 August, Schweizer Bank, Jetzt soll es die Finanzindustrie richten
- 9 August, NZZ, Tücken beim Anlegen in nachhaltige Indizes
Visit our website for more articles and regular updates
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New members and network partners
We are happy to welcome the following organisations as new SSF members:
- Carnot Capital AG
- CFA Society Switzerland
- Haute Ecole de Gestion Genève
- Record Currency Management Limited
- Union Bancaire Privée
- Yova AG
Join these events
Upcoming SSF Events
Other Events
- 25 October 2018, Swiss International Finance Forum, Zurich
- 22-26 October 2018, UNCTAD, 2018 World Investment Forum, Geneva
- 30 October 2018, Swiss Insurance Association, Forum romand ASA, Lausanne
- 31 October/ 1 November 2018, ICAEW, UN Sustainable Development Goals workshop and panel discussion, Zurich/Geneva
- 8-9 November 2018, International Conference on Blended Development Finance and the New Industrial Policy, Geneva
- 14 November 2018, Vom Klimawandel bis hin zur Unternehmenskultur: ethische Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und Investoren (event held in German and French), Berne
- 22 November, IFZ, Sustainable Investments Day, Zug
- 3 December 2018, PRI Climate Forum, Zurich
- 7 December, Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, Geneva
Further events are listed on the SSF website
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New studies & reports
- September 2018: The Complementa Risiko Check-up - Zur akutellen Lage schweizerischer Pensionskassen features a special chapter on sustainable investments, evaluating a survey on how sustainable investing is perceived by pension funds and how they intend to integrate it.
- September 2018: The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published its first Status Report, providing an overview of the extent to which companies, in their 2017 reports, included information aligned with the core TCFD recommendations.
- September 2018: For the latest UBS Investor Watch: Return on Values, 5300 investors in 10 markets were surveyed on sustainable investing. Results revealed considerable differences in the adoption of sustainable investment globally, and confusion about sustainable investing terms.
- September 2018: As part of a project on Sustainable Investing Capabilities of Private Banks, the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) at the University of Zurich assessed 15 private banks in Europe.
- September 2018: The Schroders Institutional Investor Study 2018 - Institutional perspectives on sustainable investing showed that while the outlook for incorporating sustainability in institutional portfolios is strong, sustainability currently plays a limited role in investment decision-making.
- September 2018: The Asset Owners Disclosure Project published the Global Climate Index 2018/ Pension Funds, assessing the global pensions sector’s response to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
- September 2018: The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) published a series of papers on the Inevitable Policy Response, with the aim to scope the investment implications of a rapid and forceful policy response to close the gap to the Paris Agreement.
Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance
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