SSF Newsletter August 2018
Dear Sir or Madam,
The heat is on: investor action needed
With a heatwave causing reduced harvests and dangerous forest fires in many places of the world, the past weeks have brought to our attention what climate change really means. Such visible effects led to Swiss Television coverage (SRF Börse) of the role of insurance companies regarding climate change, featuring an interview with Swiss Sustainable Finance. The interview highlighted how global insurers, including those in Switzerland, are increasingly implementing strategies both on the investment and insurance side, to drastically reduce their exposure to coal, and hence to activities linked to climate change.
Over the summer, to support the further promotion of sustainable investments, SSF launched new tools and services: An online e-learning tool and a digital library on sustainable finance. Furthermore, in the events we’ve prepared for autumn, we will cover various topics ranging from blended finance to human rights due diligence, topics that are, next to climate change, equally important to create the sustainable world we wish to live in.
Kind regards,
Sabine Döbeli
CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance
SSF activities
SSF launches new education tools
On 28 June, SSF launched two new education tools developed by its education workgroup under the lead of Kate Cacciatore (Global Head of Sustainability, Edmond de Rothschild Group (EdR)). The extensive educational slide-deck and the four module e-learning tool are tailored specifically to the needs of finance professionals.
At the launch event in Geneva, Kate Cacciatore and Jean Laville, Deputy CEO SSF, explained how EdR’s need for internal training on sustainable finance lead to a fruitful cooperation and resulted in these practical tools. In the subsequent discussion, participants debated the best ways to disseminate the tools among members and network partners.
SSF members can access the online e-learning and the slide-deck in the members’ section of the SSF website. For non-members, further information on the e-learning is available in the SSF flyer.
New SSF Service: Digital Library on Sustainable Finance
In light of the growing body of research on sustainable finance, SSF has created a Digital Library on Sustainable Finance. Designed to help you find the information you need, SSF has consolidated market research, reports, guidances and scientific articles into an online platform.
The Digital Library currently contains more than 300 reports in up to four languages (EN,DE,FR,IT) and is updated on a regular basis. Users benefit from short summaries of each publication provided by SSF.
Further information and tips for using the Digital Library can be found in our flyer.
Regulatory and market news
Swiss news
- Swiss Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard presented the first Swiss SDG report at the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on 17 July 2018 in New York. The corresponding baseline assessment on the progress of the 2030 Agenda underlines the importance of private resources and dedicates a chapter to making financial flows more sustainable, which also features SSF.
- The federal popular initiative aimed at “Prohibiting the financing of war material producers by the Swiss National Bank, foundations and public and occupational pension funds” has been formally validated by the Federal Chancellery and will be put to vote.
- After a pilot phase conducted by FOEN, the climate alignment test tool is now available under www.transitionmonitor.ch. This tool allows investors to measure current and future portfolio exposures to high/low-carbon technologies and determine alignment with various climate scenarios.
- The Swiss Pension Fund Association ASIP revised its “Guidelines for Pension Fund Investments”. The guidelines contain a new section explaining different ways to integrate ESG factors, with a reference to the SSF Handbook on Sustainable Investments. They further state that ESG factors are to be considered when analysing financial risks.
International initiatives
Market trends
- As of 2 July, Swiss Re has begun implementing a policy announced last year, stating it will no longer provide (re)insurance to businesses with more than 30% thermal coal exposure across all lines of business. This is in line with other insurers such as Axa, Zurich and Allianz, which have also backed away from coal.
- Following this trend Munich Re, the world’s largest reinsurer, announced its plan to step away from companies that generate more than 30% of their business with coal and no longer insure new coal-fired power plants or mines.
- The Church of England continued its engagement on environmental issues, deciding to divest from companies that are not aligning themselves with the Paris Agreement.
- Ireland has committed itself to divesting public funds from fossil fuel companies, becoming the world’s first country to divest from fossil fuels.
- Italian insurance supervisor IVASS passed a regulation last month forcing insurance companies in the country to consider environmental and social issues in all their activities.
- In a similar move, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution calling for insurance companies to stop insuring and investing in fossil fuel, and requested to end any formal relationship with insurers who do not take appropriate steps.
- Eumedion published the first Dutch stewardship code, which covers responsible voting in the context of securities lending and short selling. The new code goes further than the Shareholder Rights Directive.
- Investment consultant Aon has developed an ESG rating system for buy-rated investment strategies. The system is designed to assess whether and how well investment managers integrate responsible investment and ESG consideration into their investment decision making.
- In Australia, a young investor has taken a 37$bn pension fund to court over ESG.
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SSF and sustainable finance in the media
- 6 August, SRF Börse, TV-interview with Sabine Döbeli
- 6 August, NZZ, Tücken beim Anlegen in nachhaltige Indizes
- 3 August, NZZ, Besser Peter Pan als Kapitän Hook
- 6 July, RSI Rete Uno, Interview with Alberto Stival, SSF Ticino Representative
- 3 July, NZZ, Umwelt und Menschenrechte - der Druck auf die Banken nimmt zu
- 2 July, NZZ, Die Swiss Re distanziert sich von Kohle
- 28 June 2018, Schweizer Bank, Beschleunigtes Wachstum für nachhaltige Anlagen
- 25 June, Absolut Research, Nachhaltige Investments am Finanzplatz Schweiz
- 21 June, Investment & Pensions Europe, Not considering ESG could mean failing fiduciary duty
- 20 June, cash.ch, Weshalb Banken das Nachhaltigkeits-Thema vorantreiben
- 19 June, Le Temps, L'investissement durable explose
- 13 June, Finanza Sostenibile, La finanza sostenibile: il nostro futuro
- 11 June, Citywire, Unigestion CEO : watch out for ‘risky’ non-ESG investments
Visit our website for more articles and regular updates
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New members and network partners
We welcome the following organisation as new SSF member:
Join these events
- 28 August 2018, SSF and Convergence Blended Finance Information Session and Networking Breakfast in Zurich (exclusively for SSF and Convergence members and network partners)
- 4 September 2018, Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2018, Winterthur. With an Innovation Forum on Sustainable Finance and Investments, partnered by SSF.
- 6 & 7 September, Launch of SSF education tools for financial professionals – “Sustainable investments in a changing world” in Lugano and Zurich (exclusively for SSF members and network partners)
- 6 September 2018, ZHAW, Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance (3rd European COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland), Winterthur
- 25 September, twentyfifty and SSF workshop on Understanding human rights due diligence requirements for the financial sector, Zurich
- 1-2 October, Fintech+ Conference, Zurich, partnered by SSF. SSF members benefit from a discount, please look at the member’s section of the SSF website for further details.
- 22-26 October 2018, UNCTAD, 2018 World Investment Forum, Geneva
- 22 November, IFZ Sustainable Investments Day, Zug
- 7 December, Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, Geneva. A Call for Papers is open until 17th August.
Further events are listed on the SSF website
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