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SSF Newsletter June 2018: To the top
Dear Sir or Madam,

Swiss Sustainable Finance presented its first Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study with impressive results.


There is only one direction for sustainable investments: to the top. The increasing participation of institutional asset owners reflects the growing SI activities of pension funds and insurance companies. Further mainstreaming of sustainable investment solutions is a natural consequence of these changing client preferences.


At the SSF Annual Conference high-level expert speakers pointed out that innovative and sustainable solutions addressing global challenges are gaining grounds – yet by far not fast enough. When climate scientist Reto Knutti showed his charts illustrating global warming, it became clear that many hot summers lie ahead of us.


We hope for a light summer breeze to cool your leisurely days in order to gain new energy for dedicated work in sustainable finance. 


Kind regards,


Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


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Swiss Market Study shows substantial increase in sustainable assets under management


On 30 May, SSF launched the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2018, illustrating an 82% growth in sustainable investments to a new record volume of CHF 390.6 bn by the end of 2017. Growth of assets managed by institutional investors was most dynamic at 128%. Sustainable investment funds and mandates also experienced growth, 47% and 25% respectively.


The SI funds’ share of the total Swiss fund market has thereby risen from 7% last year to 9% and sustainable assets managed by institutional asset owners now account for about 16% of the assets held by pension funds and insurance companies. 

The full market study report is available in English and summaries are available in German and French.



SSF holds Members’ Assembly and SSF Annual Conference in Bern


On 19 June, SSF held its Members’ Assembly during which work group leaders presented their results and SSF provided an overview on its activities and achievements. With René Nicolodi, Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank, and Pascal Zbinden, Swiss Re, two new members were elected to the SSF Board.


In the afternoon, SSF hosted its Annual Conference: "Game-changers in finance – leveraging Swiss expertise" which was attended by more than 160 finance professionals. Simon Zadek, Principal, Project Catalyst, UNDP and co-founder of the UNEP Inquiry, held the opening key note, followed by a panel on the role of Swiss asset owners.


An expert input by Reto Knutti, professor of climate physics at ETH Zurich, paved the way for the second panel on integrating climate risk into financial decision-making. The event was rounded off with the keynote of Philippe Le Houérou, CEO at International Finance Corporation (IFC). 


The event summary, photos, videos of the sessions as well as all presentations are available on our website.



SSF publishes Annual Report 2017


The report published in May provides a concise overview on SSF activities in the course of 2017. With 9 events organised or co-organised by SSF, we managed to attract around 800 professionals. SSF was further present at 20 third-party events.


With a growing outreach through different communication channels SSF was named over 60 times in relevant media. The six active work groups supported SSF in the preparation of the many publications and events.



SSF presents sustainable investment data at the GFSI


At the 9th edition of the Geneva Forum for Sustainable Investment (GFSI) organised by Voxia communication and Conser Invest was held in Geneva on 31 May, showcasing key players in responsible finance and innovative solutions to challenges coming with the energy transition.


As a partner of the event, SSF presented the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2018 and also moderated the final panel on how asset owners can implement a socially responsible investment policy.

Read more on the event



SSF presents Market Study at Zurich launch event

2018_Newsletter_launch event

On 1 June SSF presented its 2018 Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study at its launch event to an audience of 120 participants. After a brief presentation of the results a panel discussed specific sustainable investment approaches and reactions to the market study findings.

Read more on the event 



SSF moderates panel at RFI Summit


The Responsible Finance & Investment Foundation (RFI) and Swiss Arab Network (SAN) organised this two-day event to build awareness of the shared values bringing together SRI (socially responsible investing), ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing, and Islamic finance. 


As a partner of the event, SSF moderated a panel on the “Spectrum of impact finance & Islamic finance”. Read more about this event



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SSF welcomed its 100th member

With IAM Independent Asset Management joining our organisation, SSF has expanded its member base to 100. Furthermore, SSF welcomes three more organisations as new SSF members and now counts 103 members and partners:

  • Tareno AG
  • Societe Generale
  • Loyal Finance AG

The full list of our members and network partners can be found on the SSF Website.


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