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SSF Newsletter April 2018: Joining forces
Dear Sir or Madam,

Cooperation is key when it comes to integrating sustainability into finance.


Three new international networks demonstrate the trend to join forces in addressing the broad and often complex tasks linked to this objective: Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) held its inaugural meeting and announced the establishment of its secretariat in Geneva – notably with support from Swiss public authorities and private sources –, the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) gathered different central banks under a Dutch lead, and the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment unites universities with strong capacities in sustainable finance research – including the University of Zurich.


SSF used teamwork for several of its events, e.g. with CFA, the Swiss Fund and Asset Management Association (SFAMA) and the PRI. With very positive outcomes: the different events caught the attention of hundreds of financial experts and offered platforms for animated discussions.


When addressing the action plan of the European Commission, cooperation will also be key. We look forward to working with our network to find the right Swiss approach to foster sustainable financial services.


Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


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SSF activities

CFA Society Switzerland & SSF launch the Handbook on Sustainable Investments in English


On 27 February, SSF, CFA Society Switzerland and the CFA Institute Research Foundation launched the English Handbook on Sustainable Investment for Asset Owners attended by around 140 finance professionals interested in responsible investment. Read the event summary here and order the handbook or download the electronic version.



Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S): secretariat in Geneva


On April 13, the inaugural meeting of the new UN-initiated organisation FC4S was held in Milan. Both Geneva and Zurich were represented at the meeting bringing in their respective experience in sustainable finance. The 18 members of the network defined priorities for network activities.


Furthermore, FC4S announced that their secretariat will be established in Geneva offering valuable links to the international organisations based there. Read press release on inaugural meeting.



SSF partners with SFAMA for two Greenhouse Events in Zurich and Geneva


On March 27 and 28, SSF partnered with the Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association (SFAMA) for the Greenhouse Event Series of the Asset Management Platform. During the events, SSF was present to explain the benefits of sustainable finance with regards to risk management and presented the newest regulatory developments in Switzerland and abroad. Read more on these events.



SSF co-hosts event for institutional asset owners with PRI


On 17 April, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), highlighted how sustainable investment practices are evolving and which path Swiss institutional investors are taking. During the event, PRI presented their two most recent publications and practical examples of their application. Read event summary here.



SSF hosts Asset Owner workshop on climate risks


On 21 March, SSF hosted a workshop on climate risks in portfolios with large Swiss asset owners. After input presentations by Prof. Battiston University of Zurich and Sabine Döbeli (CEO, SSF) the group discussion revolved around different climate risk assessment tools and concrete motivations for the practical implementation of such methods.



SSF participates in inaugural conference of Northern European Partnership for Sustainable Finance


On 6 March, SSF participated in the inaugural conference of Northern European Partnership for Sustainable Finance (NEPSF), hosted by the Smith School of Oxford University, the City of London and the UK Green Finance Initiative in London. This initiative was established to ensure that Northern Europe continues to be the centre of innovation in sustainable finance. Sabine Döbeli (CEO, SSF) presented SSF during a panel on the connection of national and subnational initiatives across Northern Europe.


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New members and network partners

We welcome the following organisation as new SSF member:

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  • Pensionskasse EBP Schweiz AG

The full list of our members and network partners can be found on the SSF Website.


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Join these events

Save these dates (more information to follow on our website soon):

  • 1 June 2018, SSF, Launching of 2018 Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study, Zurich
  • 19 June 2018, SSF, Annual SSF Conference: Game-changers in finance – leveraging Swiss expertise, Bern

Further events are listed on the SSF Website

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New studies & reports
  • April 2018: The final report Making Waves: Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development of the UN Environment Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System cautions that current financial flows are still nowhere near enough to deliver the trillions of dollars needed each year to finance the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
  • April 2018: The PRI has published an Asset owner guide: Enhancing manager selection with ESG insight to assist asset owners with ESG-related issues in the investment manager selection, appointment and monitoring process. It covers portfolio construction, engagement and voting, and reporting, in addition to looking at ESG scoring tools.
  • April 2018: The Asset owner strategy guide: How to craft an investment strategy by the PRI highlights why asset owners should craft a clear and explicit investment strategy. It also includes recommendations for successfully implementing a strategy, focusing, on how to gain the board’s and senior management’s support before communicating the strategy across the organisation.
  • March 2018: The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has collected the learnings from Fiji’s first sovereign green bond issuance in a Guidance for Sovereign Green Bond Issues document for other sovereign issues in emerging markets.
  • March 2018: The Roadmap for the Future of Impact Investing: Reshaping Financial Markets by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) presents a vision for more inclusive and sustainable financial markets and articulates a plan with six categories of action for impact investing to lead progress toward this future.
  • March 2018: On International Women’s Day 2018, the Business and Sustainable Development Commission published the Better Leadership Better world - Women Leading for Global Goals report, outlining how financial inclusion is crucial for creating new market opportunities and supporting SDGs that touch on poverty, clean water, sanitation, education, health, and well-being.
  • February 2018: The PRI launched a practical guide to active ownership in listed equity with an overview of the steps investors should consider to develop their active ownership policies and practices. It offers PRI signatories practical tools, global best practices and references to be co-owners of investee companies.
  • February 2018: Boston Common Asset Managers published the Banking on a Low-Carbon Future report backed by USD 2 trn in investor assets, examining climate management by 59 of the world’s largest banks. It finds urgent shortcomings that threaten to undermine efforts to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • February 2018: Based on interviews with 62 C-level executives from 21 companies, the Climate Change and the Insurance Industry: Taking Action as Risk Managers and Investors report by the Geneva Association offers new insights into the insurance industry’s role as risk experts, underwriters and investors in addressing the climate change goals and targets. 

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