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SSF Newsletter June 2019: Accelerating action
Dear Sir or Madam,

At its annual conference, SSF did not just celebrate its five-year anniversary, but also took a closer look at the future of sustainable finance. With the EU presenting three milestone reports on the implementation of its Action Plan for financing sustainable growth, it sets the pace for a firm integration of sustainability into finance decisions. This will clearly speed up action not just in Europe but also in Switzerland, as the new working group created by the Swiss government shows.


The Swiss sustainable investment market figures presented in early June illustrate that we are already well under way. Yet, it will be key to demonstrate that the impressive growth also creates a tangible impact in the real economy – for a cooler and more sustainable future. We wish you a nice summer.



Kind regards,


Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


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SSF activities


SSF Members’ Assembly, Annual Conference & 5-year anniversary


On June 19th, SSF held its Members’ Assembly and Annual Conference in Bern, also celebrating SSF’s 5-year anniversary. During the Members’ Assembly in the morning, three new representatives were elected to the SSF Board: Giovanni Vergani (Pension Fund of the City of Lugano), Dominique Habegger (de Pury Pictet Turettini & Cie.) and Vincent Kaufmann (Ethos).


The highlight of the afternoon event was certainly having Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation, open the Annual Conference and speak about what he considers key approaches on the road to a sustainable and competitive Swiss financial centre. Other sessions also provided first-hand insights, with Sven Gentner from the EU Commission explaining the most recent regulatory updates from Brussels.


Have a look at photos, videos and a summary of the day


SSF publishes Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2019


In early June, SSF released the Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study 2019. Based on the responses to the extensive market survey, the total volume of SI reached CHF 716.6 billion in Switzerland by the end of 2018. This sharp increase of 83% is attributable to the fact that more and more institutional investors are opting for


sustainable investment strategies and many asset managers are integrating sustainability criteria as a standard in their selection processes. The full report can be downloaded in English, with summaries available in German and French.


Market Study Launch events in Zurich and Geneva


SSF presented the results of the Market Study to a total of 200 professionals at back-to-back events in Zurich and Geneva. At both events, Prof. Timo Busch from the University of Zurich presented the results in detail, after which a panel of experts discussed the findings and debated how growth among the different SI approaches has an impact in the real economy. View event summaries


Joint event on sustainable fintech with City of Zurich


Over 150 participants joined the public event organized by the Stadtentwicklung Zürich, in cooperation with SSF and the Zürcher Bankenverband, to discuss sustainable finance and technological development, and how these two fields can be combined even more in the Zurich economic area. Read more


Investor Roundtable on Sustainable Finance Policy


In collaboration with ShareAction, PwC and hosted by J. Safra Sarasin, SSF held a member-only workshop dedicated to the EU Sustainable Finance policy developments, debating the effect of the EU Action Plan on Swiss policies and market players.


SSF e-learning tool


After having launched e-learning tools last summer, SSF has now prepared a German and French version of the tool. SSF members can access the online e-learning in German, French and English in the members’ section of the SSF website. For non-members, further information on the e-learning is available in the SSF flyer.


SSF publishes Annual Report 2018


The SSF Annual Report 2018 gives an overview on the activities and projects SSF conducted throughout 2018. With 14 events organised or co-organised by SSF, we managed to attract a high number of professionals. The six active workgroups also supported SSF in the preparation of these events and the publications. Download the report


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


Swiss news

  • On 26 June, the Swiss Federal Council announced the creation of a new working group on sustainable finance, headed by the Secretariat for International Finance (SIF). Among the working group's first tasks will be clarifying Switzerland's participation in international initiatives and the impact of the EU Action Plan.
  • The Federal Council has recommended to accept postulate 19.3127 submitted by Adèle Thorens Goumaz, which would oblige the government to conduct a detailed report on how the Swiss financial sector can remain competitive in light of the recent international developments in sustainability. However, the postulate still needs to be passed by the National Council.
  • The counter-proposal to the Responsible Business Initiative was again discussed in Swiss Parliament. During the summer session, the National Council decided to insist on the drafted counter-proposal, which would ward off a nation-wide public vote. However, this requires approval by the Council of States, which previously rejected the counter proposal fearing it would damage Swiss business interests.
  • At the 10th edition of the Geneva Forum for Sustainable Investment (GFSI), the Sustainable Investment Fund Awards were presented for the first time, amongst others to SSF members Lombard Odier Asset Management, Pictet Asset Management, RobecoSAM, Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank as well as Vontobel Asset Management and Ethos.
  • From 12-13 June, the TBLI Europe Conference was held in Zurich with SSF as a partner and attracted investors from many different parts of the world to discuss ESG and impact investing.
  • In May, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG), celebrated its 10-year anniversary. Congratulations to the creation of a strong network!


International initiatives

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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

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  • Baloise Asset Management Schweiz AG
  • Fidelity International
  • GMG Institutional Asset Management SA
  • Luzerner Pensionskasse
  • Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland)
  • Schroders
  • Swiss Rock Asset Management AG

The full list of our members and network partners, now totalling 128, can be found on the SSF website.


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New studies & reports

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