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SSF Newsletter April 2019: Green light for sustainable finance
Dear Sir or Madam,

The signals are green for sustainable finance, both in Switzerland and elsewhere. Just one week ago, the Swiss National Bank and FINMA joined the Network for Greening the Financial System. They thereby aim to become part of the dialogue on how the financial system is affected by environmental risks and how it can help mitigate them, a step that we highly welcome. Switzerland further saw 9 parliamentary interventions related to sustainable finance submitted during the spring session. It will be important to bring the technical know-how of sustainable finance specialists into these discussions, in order to ensure a Swiss framework that facilitates mainstreaming of sustainable finance.

The EU Commission held a high-level conference on sustainable finance in March, one year after the Action Plan on financing sustainable growth was launched. The strong turnout and the impressive inputs by speakers, such as Mark Carney and some of the largest institutional investors in the world, made clear that sustainable finance will soon be the new norm. Moreover, the IFC formally launched its Operating Principles for Impact Management  – 11 of the 58 initial signatories are SSF members!

In the meantime, SSF is in the process of finalising its market study: in a month’s time we’ll see how these important trends are reflected in sustainable investment figures.

Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


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SSF activities


New SSF "Focus" publication


In early March, SSF published the second issue of its "Focus" publication series, which provides a concise overview of existing practices to measure climate related risks in investment portfolios. The publication can be downloaded here.


Geneva event on ESG integration with CFA Society Switzerland


CFA Society Switzerland and SSF jointly organized an event on "ESG integration in investment management" for the launch of the PRI and CFA Society ESG integration in Europe, the Middle East and Africa report. After a presentation of the regional findings, participants discussed how companies are defining and implementing ESG integration approaches. Read the event summary and view videos here.


SSF at EU high level conference on sustainable finance


The second high-level conference on sustainable finance organised by the European Commission took place one year after the Action Plan on financing sustainable growth was launched. In this context, a delegation of Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S), including SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli, met with EC representatives to discuss the international alignment of EU sustainable finance action.


FC4S further presented the findings of the Digital Green Finance study, where Switzerland ranked the highest, and presented the State of Play Report 2019, based on the FC4S assessment of sustainable finance action in different financial centres.


SSF e-learning tool in English, German and French


After having launched e-learning tools last summer, SSF has now prepared a German and French version of the tool. SSF members can access the online e-learning in German and English in the members’ section of the SSF website. The French version will be available shortly. For non-members, further information on the e-learning is available in the SSF flyer.


Ongoing dialogue with global Index Providers on Controversial Weapons Exclusions


Since February, SSF has been in dialogue with many index providers discussing the request to exclude controversial weapons from mainstream indices. The initiative has now gained 168 signatories representing USD 9 trillion and is still open for further signatories. Interested organisations can sign up on the SSF website.


SSF partners with SwissFoundations for asset owner workshop on the impact of investments


On 1 April, SSF and SwissFoundations launched the jointly organized workshop series "Heading for Impact". The first workshop offered representatives from foundations and other asset owners an entry point into impact-oriented investment.


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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

shutterstock_190906082_Shaking Hands_280_195
  • Avalor Investment AG
  • Bank Cler
  • Basler Kantonalbank
  • Hotel Institute Montreux
  • LEGATO Vermögensmanagement AG
  • PineBridge Investments
  • REYL & Cie SA
  • Zurich Invest AG

The full list of our members and network partners, now totalling 122, can be found on the SSF Website.



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More information on the SSF website.


Other events


Academic programmes and opportunities

  • The University of Zurich’s executive training programme Sustainable Investing in Wealth Management programme will take place again from 13-14 June 2019.
  • As part of this year’s global "Ethics and Trust in Finance Prize", students in insurance and finance and young professionals can participate in the essay writing competition for financial services (prize money of USD 20’000). The deadline for handing papers is the 30 of June 2019.


Further events are listed on the SSF website

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New studies & reports

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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