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SSF Newsletter February 2019: Keeping the overview
Dear Sir or Madam,

SSF has started the new year with a wide array of different activities, many of which were strongly based on the support of our members. Building on member input, we provided feedback on the IFC Operating Principles on Impact Management and on the usability of the proposed EU Taxonomy. Our members further play a key role in the SSF-coordinated investor engagement with index providers, in which we ask them to exclude controversial weapons producers from mainstream indices. In our recent publication on inspiring investment partnerships, we also build on know-how from our network and make it broadly available to the market.

Keeping an overview of the different initiatives is increasingly challenging, be it with regards to regulatory activities or to market initiatives. SSF will keep an eye on these developments and prepare concise interpretations of how they influence your work. Next on our list will be overviews on ways to measure carbon risks and on planned EU regulation.

One thing is clear: cooperation is key when acting in the fast moving sphere of sustainable finance. We look forward to further working with you on keeping Swiss finance fit for the future.

Kind regards,

Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


SSF activities

Regulatory and market news

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New members joining SSF

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SSF activities


New SSF publication on partnerships


SSF released a publication on inspiring investment partnerships to achieve global goals. It depicts key success factors for partnerships both from the view of the private and public sector and thereby helps foster exchange. In addition, concrete case studies based on the experience of SSF members illustrate how such investment partnerships can be put into practice. Download the publication here.


Open letter to Index Providers on Controversial Weapons Exclusion


The SSF-coordinated initiative to approach index providers regarding controversial weapons companies gathered considerable momentum early this year. Over 150 investors representing close to USD 7.0 trillion AuM are calling upon index providers to exclude controversial weapons from their mainstream indices.


The initiative gained strong support also thanks to its presence on the PRI Collaboration Platform and the publication in major finance media. First actions to start a dialogue on the issue with different index providers were taken in early February. For more information read the press release or visit the initiative landing page.


SSF partners with NCFA for launch event in Zurich


On 16 January, SSF co-organised a launch event with the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA) for their newly available “Integrating Natural Capital Risk Assessment” guide. At the fully-booked event, 80 professionals gathered to learn more about the guide and the online tool ENCORE, which allows users to better assess natural capital risk exposures. Have a look at the event summary.


SSF participates in OECD conference in Paris


At the OECD Private Finance for Sustainable Development conference, Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO, participated in the plenary panel on mainstreaming impact investing and stressed the importance of the right frameworks to best leverage private capital for development.


IFC Operating Principles consultation


SSF and its members reviewed the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) draft Operating Principles for Impact Management. Subsequently, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) organised an exchange between Swiss industry players and IFC partners in late January. An updated version of the Principles is expected by the end of February 2019.


SSF responds to the EU taxonomy draft


The EU’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance is seeking feedback on the first draft of the taxonomy. SSF, in consultation with its members, has provided consolidated feedback on the usability of the taxonomy. The taxonomy aims to develop a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities.


Read more about these and other SSF activities

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Regulatory and market news


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Market trends


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SSF and sustainable finance in the media

Visit our website for more articles and regular updates

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New members and network partners

We are happy to welcome the following organisations to our network:

shutterstock_190906082_Shaking Hands_280_195
  • AVADIS Anlagestiftung
  • General Invest (Switzerland) AG, part of Mikro Kapital Group
  • Legg Mason Investments (Switzerland) GmbH
  • Matthias Gubler AG
  • Stiftung Abendrot
  • Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association (SFAMA)

The full list of our members and network partners, now totalling 113, can be found on the SSF Website.



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Join these events

Save the date for upcoming SSF events

  • 21 March 2019, SSF and CFA, ESG Integration in Practice, Geneva
  • 13 May 2019, SSF and City of Zurich, Nachhaltigkeit und technologischer Wandel – zwei Trends, eine Chance für den Finanzplatz Zürich?, Zurich
  • 3 June 2019, SSF, Launch of 2019 Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study, Zurich
  • 4 June 2019, SSF, Launch of 2019 Swiss Sustainable Investment Market Study, Geneva
  • 19 June 2019, SSF, Annual SSF Conference, Bern

More information to follow soon on the SSF website.


Other events


Academic programmes and opportunities


Further events are listed on the SSF website

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New studies & reports

Read these and other reports in our Digital Library on Sustainable Finance

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