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SSF Newsletter April 2017: Seeds of change

A long Easter weekend lies ahead. Over the past two months, seeds have sprouted not just in nature but in the field of sustainable finance, too.


End of March, SSF launched its publication in the area of private wealth management, an area where we see clear growth potential for the Swiss sustainable finance market. We have also compiled our 2016 annual report to help give our stakeholders an overview of the various activities and projects SSF has been involved in. Furthermore, the public side-event to our upcoming members’ assembly on 13 June is gaining shape: it will feature a keynote speech from the President of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard. This prominent keynote is yet another sign that sustainable finance is gaining ground - the broad array of recent reports, media coverage and market news are further evidence of this trend.


With these and other news we wish you a joyful Easter break.


Kind regards


Sabine Döbeli

CEO Swiss Sustainable Finance


SSF Activities

Regulatory and market news

SSF and sustainable finance in the media

New members joining SSF

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New reports & studies

Varia from our network

SSF Activities

Launch event for publication on 10 arguments for sustainable investing in private wealth management


On 22 March, Swiss Sustainable Finance held an event in Zurich to present “Sustainable Investing: A Unique Opportunity for Swiss Private Wealth Management – 10 Arguments and Practical Tools for Client Adviors”. Read more about the publication.


This SSF report, accompanied by a short film on this topic, highlights the opportunity created for Swiss private banking by the combination of Swiss strengths and clients’ growing demand for investments with a positive impact.
The event, attracting 100 professionals, also featured a keynote by Mr. Herbert J. Scheidt, President of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA), who ended his speech with a call to action directed at the entire industry to further engage in the topic and increase efforts to incorporate sustainable investing in their activities.

Read more and download the presentations from the event.


Launch event for SSF handbook for institutional asset owners and other interested parties in Ticino


SSF was once again in Ticino in April at an event attended by about 60 professionals. At this event, SSF presented its 2 latest publications and lead a discussion with local players on the growing importance of sustainable investments both for institutional and private clients.

Read more and download the presentations from the event.


SSF publishes Annual Report 2016


The Annual Report 2016 provides a comprehensive overview on the broad activities SSF tackled in the past year.


Read more about the events and download further materials

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Regulatory and market news

Swiss news


International initiatives


Market trends


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SSF and sustainable finance in the media


Visit our website for regularly updated articles on SSF and sustainable finance

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New members and network partners

We welcome the following organisations as new SSF members or network partners:

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  • BNP Paribas

A full list of our members and partners can be found on the SSF Website.


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Save these dates

 Upcoming SSF Event

  • Bern, 13 June 2017, SSF public side event to Members’ Assembly. Keynote by Doris Leuthard, President of the Swiss Confederation for 2017.

More details and registration on the SSF Website


Other Events


Further events are listed on the SSF Website

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New reports & studies


Read these and other recent reports

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Varia from our network


Best regards

The SSF team



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